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Don't Rush Things

They say that good things come to those who wait and others say patience is a virtue. Honestly, it's tough sometimes to do that with the fast pace that our lives seem to be stuck in these days. Unfortunately, there are a lot of different things in life that you simply can't rush that are worth the wait. So before summer is gone, let's kick back and relax on the beach ... eat some delicious bbq ... enjoy a sunset ... and then have a great night sleep!

bbq swig swine

Great BBQ

Low and Slow! The key to great BBQ isn't tough ... it's about going slow but with constant attention to detail. When done right, the product is one of the most amazing things given to man by god. Crispy burnt ends and cracklins on the outside of the hog with tender juicy meat inside just waiting to be chopped up and served to some hungry friends. Sure ... you can rush it and people do by adding smoke flavoring and other tricks, but the end result just isn't going to be the same.

sunset fire

Sunset Photos

Often times when I take photos of a sunset, my journey starts out with saying "wow it's going to be beautiful tonight let's go over there" and I forget that this is not a quick photo to be snapped before dinner. Instead, it's something that has to be enjoyed, taken from different angles, different exposures, and ultimately I end up taking hundreds of pictures just waiting for the sun to reflect off the water in JUST the right way. Even if you aren't there to take pictures, a sunset needs to be enjoyed over the course of 30 minutes or more. When you compare this to snapping a photo of a waterfall or a beach, that's a long time ... but the wait is worth it!