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Football Super Bowl Trivia King

It's that time of year again ... one last chance to impress your friends with crazy, mostly useless facts and trivia that we men use to assert our superiority as an alternative to physical violence. While some men are blessed with photographic memories and others simply live for this one moment, allowing every other piece of knowledge to escape their brains - others of us need a bit of help. However, with these tips, you are certain to become the Super Bowl Trivia king of your circle of friends and they don't need to know your tricks!

Do Research Ahead of Time

The first and most obvious step on your journey to become the Super Bowl Trivia Champion is to study. Do a Google search for trivia lists with tons of facts that are likely to be asked. For instance, this guide has tons of Super Bowl trivia facts beyond just the traditional sports statistics. Most sports sites have similar pages that you can draw from as well.

Save Notes For Quick Access on Your Phone

Use a note taking app like Evernote, Google Docs, or even just screenshot the pages themselves and save it in your camera roll so that you can glance at the facts during the game so you are ready to answer when the topic comes up.

Practice Taking Covert Glances At Your Phone

Most of you guys are probably going to be glued to your phones during the game - either talking smack on social media or watching commercials for a second time, so it's not going to look odd having your phone out. However, you want to make sure to practice looking at your cheat sheet so that it's not obvious that you are reading from it when answering trivia questions. This can take a little bit of time but frankly most guys have learned this skill and certainly those younger guys have learned it to survive in school!

Plan Ahead - Even Jumping the Gun And Answering Your Own Questions

There are going to be a lot of random trivia opportunities but some should be obvious such as the winningest teams, longest punt return, or how much money each player takes home from the game ($97,000 per winning player; $49,000 for losers + normal salary). So memorize those facts and be prepared to interject them where appropriate. You may also want to take the opportunity to jump on top of questions being talked about by the announcers. This way, you can assert your dominance without even being challenged.

Be Prepared To Bluff When You Don't Know the Full Answer

Finally and perhaps most importantly ... be prepared to bluff and pivot when you don't know the answer or at least not completely. In this way you can keep the conversation going without having that awkward moment where you have to admit defeat!

Ultimately, it's up to you and your intellectual abilities to make this work. However, with a bit of practice and the right strategy you can get a lot closer to the goal. Just remember to have fun and don't be a know-it-all dick who's no fun to hang out with. Your knowlege is a gift ... not a weapon ...