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What to do if you get hurt in a bike accident

Riding a bicycle is a fun and eco-friendly way to get around. It's also fun to do. Unfortunately it doesn't come without challenges and dangers. Even the most experienced riders can come off their bike and hurt themselves. If you're riding on the road, the danger of being hit by a vehicle could have even more serious consequences. When you do get into an accident, it's important to know what to do in the aftermath. It can be a shock if you fall or get knocked off your bike, but knowing how to react can make things a little easier. Here's what to do in a bicycle accident.

Get Medical Attention

Firstly, make sure you and your bike move somewhere safe if you're able. Once you've done that, either give yourself first aid attention or get it from someone else. Call an ambulance if you need to, or ask someone else to do it for you. Although you might not feel like you're hurt, it's possible that you might have hurt your back, neck, head or someone else without realizing it. Try not to move too much at first, just in case, especially if you were thrown off your bike. Even if you're able to get up and walk (or ride) away, it can be a good idea to seek medical attention later.

Call the Police

Was someone else involved in the accident? It might be necessary to call the police so that they can investigate what happened. The other person could be a driver, but they could also be another cyclist or even a pedestrian. Wait for the police to come to the scene do that they can assess the situation - unless you need to go to the hospital. If you need an ambulance, both an ambulance and police response can be sent at the same time.

bike accident

Collect Information from the Scene

If you're able to, it can be helpful if you carry out your own investigation before leaving. Get the details of anyone else involved in the accident so that you can contact them if you need to. If there are any witnesses, it's a good idea to speak to the too. This is helpful to do if you think that someone else caused the accident, as well as if you want to be able to prove that it wasn't your fault. You can collect information like the license plate of any vehicles involved and you can take pictures of things like damage to your bike.

After an accident, you can have a number of costs to pay, especially if you're hurt or your bike is badly damage. From repair costs to medical bills and even time off work, it could be someone else's responsibility to pay. The attorneys at this office can tell you about how you can fight for the money you're owed. Being injured can be expensive but you can ensure you don't have to pay for everything.

Make sure you know what to do in a bicycle accident so you can react appropriately if anything happens.