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Christmas Sweater

It's that time of year again - along with the crush of end of year tasks and an explosion of shopping for friends, family, and neighbors there is a seemingly never ending list of Christmas parties that you are obligated to go to. This is your opportunity to be the guy who all the other guys want to be but just like being an athlete it takes training and the right gear to make it happen. 



hostess gift

Bring a Gift for the Host / Hostess ...

Enter the party on the right foot with a token of appreciation for the host of the party. It doesn't have to be something extravagant but a bottle of alcohol, snacks, or seasonal decor is perfect here. The point is to show the host that you appreciate being invited to the party and you're here to have a great time!

Wear Something Fun and Festive ...

Everyone sees you in your polo and slacks during the week, this is your chance to break out of the boring and step into you. Luckily over the past couple years that's become a lot easier for guys and today, there is no shortage of "ugly Christmas sweaters". To really own it though, you should find one that speaks to YOUR personality. That might be something conservative with reindeer or a chance to geek out with a Star Wars themed sweater. For the ultimate though, you might want to go all the way and integrate ornaments, holly, or garland.

drunk at christmas party

Enjoy a Cocktail But Don't Be "That Guy" ...

Remember - this is a party but your goal is to rock the party and not get run over by it. For many of us that means walking a thin line between drinking and getting drunk but here's a tip to help you succeed. Select a drink like rum and Coke or vodka and Sprite where noone can tell exactly how much alcohol is in the drink. When you order, just ask the bartender to go light on the booze. No one will ever know the difference. Over the course of the evening, all they will notice is that you are having fun but saying or doing stupid stuff that might put you in a hole.

Have Some Witty Stories To Share ...

Be the cool guy with something fun to share. Girls love a witty guy that is quick with a joke and this is another reason why limiting your alcohol consumption is an asset. As your peers descend into inebriation they will have less exciting things to share but you'll be the guy who owns the room and is in full command of the situation.