Mike's Hard Lemonade

I'm in love with the seasonal Mike's flavor - Glacier Berry, but I also love the classic Lemonade. It's a tough time to be a fan I guess, but regardless of how your taste buds guide you, one thing is for certain. Mike's are great to share with friends this holiday season. To help celebrate, I created a special cocktail to settle my dilemma and make something extra special for the holiday party I had this weekend [modify based on posting date].

glacier berry

This new cocktail is inspired by Mike's Glacier Berry - a delicious combination of raspberries and blackberries. It's also sorta like an adult ice cream float. This makes it an extra special treat during the winter because it takes two things that normally would inspire you to think about summer and warmth (Lemonade and Frozen Deserts) - and instead turns it into something quite festive and appropriate for the season.

Extra Special Raspberry Christmas Cocktail:


  • Raspberry Sorbet
  • Mike's Hard Lemonade

sherbert sorbet

You can make this with sherbet or sorbet, depending on what's available in your local grocery. However, while it is fun to try this with different flavors such as lime, orange, and raspberry found in rainbow sherbet that Raspberry Sorbet works best. The reason for this is simple - sherbet contains milk and that reacts with the Mike's Hard Lemonade creating foam - just like coke or root beer would in a traditional ice cream float. Sorbet on the other hand contains no milk and so it won't react the same way.


Take a small cookie scoop or a large spoon and scoop small balls of the sorbet on to a plate and put back into the freezer till you are ready to serve.

Pour Mike's Hard Lemonade into a glass.

Place the sorbet ball into the glass gently. Do not pour the lemonade over the sorbet or it will change the flavor and color too rapidly.

mikes holiday drink sorbet

One thing I like about this cocktail is that it will change color and flavor as the sorbet melts. It's up to you how fast you choose to drink your cocktail, but if you leave it for a few minutes then your lemonade will turn into a raspberry lemonade ... somewhat like a sweeter version of Mike's Glacier Berry.

santa glacier berry

My recommendation though is to have plenty of both on hand and enjoy with some friends! 

Also - notice the purple triangle on the side of the Glacier Berry package you’ve purchased?

To see what this is about, download the free Aurasma app, hold your phone over the triangle and experience Glacier Berry in a different way. Cheers!