Interested In Working With Us or Have a Question?
Contact Form
Miscellaneous Information
- Miscellaneous Information:
Thank you for your interest in working with us!
We offer a variety of opportunities for brands and destinations looking to engage with ManTripping's audience.
Send Us Your News and Ideas:
Are you a member of the travel industry or a PR or Marketing representative from a brand that looks to engage male consumers - please feel free to send us your news.
Write For Us - Guest Posts:
We offer guest posting opportunities on a case-by-case basis for other male bloggers. Additionally, we're open to guest post submissions from travel destinations, cruise lines, tour operators, and entrepreneurs looking to promote their crowdfunding campaigns.
Sponsored Posts, Reviews, and Fam Trips:
We accept sponsored posts, review products, and travel experiences on behalf of products men love. This includes automotive, food / drinks, health, wellness, grooming, and of course travel goods. Additionally, we work closely with travel companies, tour operators, cruise lines, and destinations who want to invite us to promote their clients.
We prioritize these opportunities based on the following criteria:
1. Fit for our audience - Truthfully, we've been doing this for more than a decade and have gotten very good at crafting stories to promote brands and destinations that might not be a perfect fit at first glance. Every destination has something interesting for men to enjoy and the same is true for most products that we've been presented. However, if it is something we have an objection to, even sponsored post opportunities will be declined.
2. Budget available - We'd love to operate in an environment where the money isn't needed. Sadly I can't pay my rent by offering my landlord photos of your gorgeous hotel or the free samples I received. Similarly, we respect the work you put into creating a fantastic experience for your guests and want to be able to deliver a similar level of service in terms of promoting your destination through blog posts, social posts, video, as well as potentially other services such as providing you with photographs from our visit that you can use in your marketing efforts. While we don't have a standard rate that we charge all destinations, our starting price is $500 per day plus all expenses covered. This generally includes at least one blog post, one video, one Instagram post per day as well as providing you with access to a non-exclusive license to photos that we take while promoting your destination.
3. The awesomeness of the experience - If an experience meets our criteria of being an extremely awesome and unique experience, we may be open to waiving the promotional fee. However, this is decided on a case-by-case basis with deliverables being similarly negotiable.
We also love to work with non-profit organizations and new companies to help promote Kickstarter, Indigogo, and other crowdfunding campaigns.
We apply a similar decision-making process to products and review opportunities, it's tough to say no to exiting ideas but unfortunately, I can't possibly promote everything we get presented with.
Questions About ManTripping?
We're always open to talking with fans, media, and other people who love traveling.
It is an exciting time and we like to support your passion however we can so let us know how we can help!
You can also send us an email directly: