Have you visited a garden or resort recently where you see thousands of pinpoints of light projected up into the trees or on the side of a building? I had seen this effect several times, but I didn't know what they were until recently and now I can have that same effect in my own home and yard with BlissLights!

BlissLights is an absolutely amazing lighting accessory that is easy to set up and install but requires some tweaks to maximize the effect.

Upon opening the box for the BlissLights review, I was initially disappointed since it didn't look nearly as good as I was hoping. The reason for this is that the BlissLights aren't the same as a simple colored flood light used to fill up a space. In fact, it is essentially the opposite. Instead of one beam - you have thousands of little lighting points and that means you need to really think about the overall design to maximize the effect. The following photos are examples of how BlissLights can be used based on what I've seen at different resorts recently.

bliss lights trees casa del zorro

Project The BlissLights on Surfaces with Various Depths

BlissLights works best when you project it on something that isn't just flat. While it still looks "good" shining on a blank wall ... it looks GREAT when projected on trees, shrubs, or even tables and chairs on an outdoor patio. Note though - when thinking about where to place the lights, be aware that it does use lasers and so you want to avoid any placement where someone might look directly into the beam. 

This means that they work best when projected upwards from the ground or even at a high angle pointed down. Do not simply place it on a shelf at eye level.

palm tree lights

Use Multiple BlissLights to Create Mixtures of Colors

While each BlissLights color unit can create 16 different colors plus a static green color, you can add multiple units with different colors for an even bigger effect. This looks amazing if you have dense trees or a garden!

Twinkling Lights Come from Motion 

When I first saw the BlissLights they were shining on the fronds of a palm tree that were swaying in the breeze. This created an illusion that they were actually twinkling. What I was observing though was that as the laser beams hit the frond and then moved, the effect was that the lights were going on and off. This created an amazing magical experience that simply has to be seen to understand. 

Another example of how you can use motion to maximize the effect would be if you have a hot tub with steam rising from it. The lights will create beams in the steam for added effect.

bliss lights

BlissLights Color can be purchased on their website or Amazon.com for $139. The kit comes with a garden stake, remote and stand for the light. Lighting modes include: Fade, Morph, Flash, and Fixed so that you can adapt the lights to whatever space you are playing with.