breeo portable fire pit

For many years I had a big aluminum tub that I lugged to the beach in San Diego to use as a makeshift fire pit. It worked ... not well ... but it worked and it fit in the back of my car so that was all I needed. Now though, I have a Breeo Y Series portable grill that is pretty much perfect in terms of being portable and multi-talented. Last night we used it to celebrate my father-in-law's continued improvement in health by setting it up in his front yard so he could watch as Heather and I roasted marshmallows and ate some s'mores. We of course gave him some as well. Afterwards, we just let it cool and picked it up by the hand to take it back into the garage.

Jim watching us through the window

I can't wait till the day when he feels comfortable coming out to enjoy the warmth of the fire - but for now, sadly medical oxygen and flames just don't mix. However, I think he enjoyed himself watching from his chair through the window. Certainly we're very happy that he's no longer stuck in a hospital bed like he was for more than 130 days.

There are three things that really make Breeo's Y Series special - easy to move around, extendable into a camping grill, and it's "smokeless".

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Easy Portability

The Breeo Y Series weighs 31 pounds and they even make an optional carrying case. Standard though is the rugged carrying handle that made the fire pit extremely easy to pick up and move into the garage at the end of evening. For tailgating and beach bonfires, this would similarly make it winner since nobody wants to get dirty with smudges and stuff having to carry it close to their body.

camping grill

Converts Into A Camping Grill

This is where Breeo really steps away from the pack and presents some innovative opportunities. As a portable fire pit it is a must by for how easy it is to move around and the quality of craftsmanship etc. but the ability to add a grilling grate, and hang everything from a cluster of peppers, a pineapple to roast over your el pastor pork, or even just a kettle to heat water so you can make some instant cup of noodles on a cold Saturday afternoon this fall while tailgating.

The Outpost 19 is an additional $150 but an absolute must-have for anyone who goes camping or tailgating.

smokeless fire pit

Smokeless Fire Pit

I was a bit skeptical that this would actually work but it did. We were able to leave the front door open with a screen so we could still talk with Jim even though we were outdoors. However, I fully expected to need to close the door at any moment ... but that moment never came!

Similarly, even when we were sitting there roasting marshmallows there was never that moment where we had to shift position to avoid wind-blown-smoke coming from the fire.

This concept works through a fun bit of science where smoke is captured below the top lid of the Breeo and then offers a secondary combustion using the fire pit's extremely high temperature to burn off the particles before they can escape.

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In looking at the images above, you'll notice that there are vents around the top of the cylinder as well as at the bottom. Cool air is pulled in through the bottom and also along the sides of the fire pit that then escapes at the top - causing the smoke to quite literally burn again before it escapes.

The net result of this magic is that you get a grill that is extremely hot, burns completely (unlike other fire pits we've used, all that was left in our Breeo was some white ash), and is very pleasant to be around since we didn't have to worry about getting the smoke in our eyes and our clothes.

I honestly can't say enough wonderful things about this smokeless fire pit. Breeo makes a great product right here in the United States and if you enjoy hanging out around a fire ... this Breeo Y Series fire pit should be on your list.