Tips for building her the she shed of her dreams.

When I first presented this idea to some guy friends, they laughed. The response I got was, "why - she already has the whole house to be hers!" While that's true that generally your wife is in control of how things are organized, decorated, and even scented for most of your home - that doesn't mean it is truly a space for HER. Most women ... especially those who work from home or are stay-at-home moms certainly don't look at the home as a place where she can relax and enjoy life. While she might organize the kitchen in a certain way ... it's often simply so she can get her job done easier.

Since this concept is something more recent, the word for what to call a "woman cave" isn't as unified as it is with the man cave. Despite that, her are some popular words that people are using to refer to this unique personalized space ...

  • Woman Cave
  • Mom Cave
  • Femme Den
  • Lady Lounge
  • Dame Dome
  • Heel Haven
  • Girly Grotto
  • Her Haunt
  • Her Hideaway
  • Ma'am Cave
  • Womens Shed / Woman Shed
  • Lady Lair
  • Hen Pen
  • Girly Gazebo
  • She Shed - This is currently the most popular term but since not everyone can afford a shed separate from the house, I am not a fan of the word. However, it's what we're going to focus on for this article!

It doesn't matter what she calls it - it's her space and you are there to help her make her dream space become reality.

Be Supportive

Rather than grumbling about creating an area for her to enjoy as her own space, here's some tips to help you be the awesome and helpful partner she needs you to be. 

Remember That This Isn't YOUR Space

As men, we're often focused on solving problems and while we will be asked our opinions on certain things, remember that this isn't your space. It's hers and that means that she has 100% say in what goes where, when and how. After all, you don't want her entering your space and rearranging posters or saying that she thinks that black ceramic panther statue from your bachelor days is stupid. Do you?

While you man cave space might focus around things like a home bar, game room, sports shrine etc. Her vision of what her space is going to look like will look much different. 

Listen To What She Wants To Do in Her She Shed Space

What does she want her new space to be? 

Common She Shed Functions Include:

  • A place to relax and read a book or watch TV in peace
  • Crafting or scrapbook studio
  • Spa space
  • Gardening spot to work on plants and store supplies
  • Art studio or photography space
  • Yoga studio

Will It Be a She Shed Outdoor Space or Something Inside the House?

While not everyone has a yard able to accomodate a she shed, there are many options for outbuildings designed for her. In fact, You can find ready-to-assemble sheds available from big box retailers like Walmart and specialty vendors as well. Prices for simple she sheds like this start at only a few thousand dollars but can quickly increase in price if you want to add plumbing and electricity. That's why, for many couples it makes more sense to build her she shed inside the house. This way it is much easier for her to have a she shed with a bathroom of her dreams or go crazy and create a luxury spa environment for her.

Plumbing and Electricity In A She Shed, Things To Consider

While it isn't easy, most homeowners can build an outbuilding with plumbing and electricity for her she shed. This will be significantly more expensive but the impact is much greater.

Things To Consider When Running Plumbing and Electricity to a She Shed

  • While electricity and cable wires can be strung from roof to roof, plumbing needs to be in the ground. This means that you must dig up your yard and either rent heavy and expensive machinery or hire a construction crew. Additionally, you will need to make sure to check all local ordinances for permits and planning.
  • Pipes need to be insulated against freezing weather
  • She will probably want hot water as well as cold water. Luckily there are some great tankless water heaters available now that don't require a huge investment.
  • If you are running water and electricity you will probably want to go all the way and invest in connecting it to a sewer and building out a full bathroom as well.
  • Having a fully plumbed she shed will add value to your house, but you don't have to do everything at once. However, even if you don't have the budget to create a spa experience for her she shed today - you should consider running all the lines at the same time to minimize future challenges. Once the space is roughed out, adding a toilet or soaking tub later is much easier.

Outfitting Her New She Shed ...

Assuming you've decided to go for the full she shed experience and invested in hot and cold water as well as electricity, it's time to consider what will be in her she shed. 

Spa Space ...

While she will likely already have a head full of ideas, chances are she will depend on you to help implement them. With regards to building the spa space in her new she shed, a sink should be one of the top priorities. Even if you don't go for a spa tub or toilet right now, a good vanity with sink is essential for washing her hands. While you can start your search at local retailers, you might look at boutique retailers like Unique Vanities for design ideas as well.

Furniture ...

What furniture she uses to outfit her she shed will depend entirely on how she intends to use the space. However, a good sturdy table is always a key component. This can serve as a desk for writing, a space to lay out scrapbooking materials, or simply a spot to place a basket or tray of plants instead of resting it on the ground. Similarly, a comfy chair is another must have item for a she shed. 

Accent Pillows and Blankets ...

I've never met a woman who didn't love pillows and blankets! They can be used for decorating her she shed or strictly to keep comfortable or warm in the winter. 

Remember To Help Take Care Of Kids, House, and Parents While She Enjoys Her She Shed!

Whatever she decided to put in her she shed, you will enjoy the benefits of a happy and more relaxed wife! For most women, this she shed is her retreat from taking care of the kids, parents, and daily stresses of maintaining the home, work or both. It's up to us to do our part to make sure that we help her complete the she shed experience by taking care of things while she's enjoying her moment of rest.