Can CBD dog treats help dogs with heart issues?

CBD continues to make an impact in the pet community as a product with potential benefits for a wide variety of symptoms associated with certain severe health conditions. This has gotten a lot of attention with human consumption and as a result, many pet parents are wondering what, effects it may have on pups suffering from heart disease and other ailments that their older dogs might face as well. Cannabidiol or CBD oil presents itself as an exceptionally safe, natural, and overall well-tolerated therapeutic substance used to assist in a vast array of treatment situations and research continues as to its applications for canine health as well.

Many people don't realize that dogs can suffer from cardiac health problems in similar ways to Humans. Heart disease in dogs can result in an enlarged heart or even blockages leading to heart attacks. While long term diet and behavior patterns can have significant benefits, there are other ways to support a dog's heart health as well. Research is increasingly showing that CBD dog treats can play a role here in helping to improve a dog's heart health.

In keeping this as simplistic as possible, the compound can produce the results it's touted for by interacting with the endocannabinoid system of the brain. The ECS plays a significant part in managing multiple operations within the body, one of which is the adequate functioning and health of the heart. Through CBD's activation of the ECS, the claim is it produces cardio-protective effects. This leads to 

dog treats with cbd can affect heart disease in dogs

Understanding Heart Conditions Affecting Dogs

As humans develop heart problems, domestic pets can as well, particularly dogs, for which the suggestion is that nearly 10% of their population endures. The majority of these instances are known as 'valvular' disease followed by heartworm and dilated cardiomyopathy.  Luckily there is increasing evidence that CBD oil can help address these heart conditions in dogs.

  • VHD or Valvular Disease:  The valves of the pup's heart responsible for regulating blood flow are affected to the point of their thickening and deforming. In this state, the valves are unable to seal appropriately, in turn, causing trickles of blood to transport back into the heart. The heart works harder in its effort to compensate for this leak. It ultimately results in it becoming enlarged and unable to provide the appropriate amount of blood to the body, denoting heart failure.

It is most common in dogs but especially so in small breeds over five years in age. 

  • Parasitic Disease: Heartworm, also referred to as Dirofilaria immitis, transmits through female mosquitoes who become infected after biting a pup with heartworms. The larvae migrate from the dog's bloodstream to the heart and those blood vessels adjacent, at which point they grow into their mature form, which can equal a 14" long worm. These clog the animal's heart, prevent adequate function and affect blood flow to other areas of the body, such as vital organs of lungs, liver, and kidneys.

Sadly, this condition doesn't show symptoms for many years with eventual episodes of short breath, dry cough, weakness, nervousness, lack of stamina, particularly after exercise, which may result in fainting due to blood flow decreases. Generally, by the time it comes to light, there has already been significant damage. But modern treatments are showing higher success rates.

  • DCM: The third most seen chronic condition for dogs is dilated cardiomyopathy or DCM, which is responsible for the muscle contracting more weakly with a lesser efficiency of pumping blood to the body. The condition progresses over a period making the chambers enlarge, eventually resulting in overall failure. The causes of this disease have yet to be determined. There are some specific breeds more susceptible than others, particularly those that are larger in size and older. Examples include Doberman Pinschers, Great Danes, Deerhounds, and Boxers.

The condition is often challenging to diagnose because there are not always symptoms associated with it. At most, the vet may note a slight murmur upon an examination that leads to speculation. With progression, signs develop like fluid accumulating in the abdomen and lungs, which lowers blood pressure resulting in failure of the muscle. The suggestion is there is not a cure but instead, treatments are recommended including adding  CBD as a benefit to keeping the symptoms minimal and the heart function at its highest capacity.

cbd dog treats and heart conditions what you need to know

CBD Effects Associated With Heart Disease

Veterinary research following human medical experiments continues to support the claim that the endocannabinoid system has potential as a beneficial therapeutic asset for cardiac issues. This is especially true as the dog's body processes cannabinoids, including CBD. Additionally, studies show that CBD has the potential to help decrease arrhythmias and, in turn, risks associated with heart failure. In addition to reducing arrhythmias, research indicates CBD boasts as aiding in the reduction of:

  • Inflammation and oxidative stresses
  • Left ventricle blood flow disruptions
  • Cell death
  • Fibrosis, the process where the connective tissue of the heart hardens and thickens.

It's essential to recognize the fact that cannabidiol is not a cure for health-related severe conditions. But for canines with respect to heart health, studies suggest that it will behave as a cardio-protectant.  

While research continues to be done, CBD appears to have positive benefits for dogs as well as humans. 

Additional CBD Benefits For Dogs

In addition to benefits related to heart health, including helping to reduce chances of congestive heart failure, CBD can also have other benefits. These are likewise similar to what is experienced in human patients, including reduced anxiety and calming benefits. Additionally, those same anti-inflammatory properties that support heart health in dogs also can lead to other benefits across the body too. Some say that the anti-inflammatory benefit can also lead to anti-cancer benefits but that has not been conclusively proven and many scientists are skeptical of those claims.

CBD Dog Treats Come In Many Forms

The administration of CBD oil may prove challenging for pet parents with their domestic companions. But there is a multitude of products on the market, including CBD dog treats from Holistapet are made from Full Spectrum CBD Oil, developed to encourage your furry friend who may be encountering this type of serious ailment to consume the substance with no stress to the animal. While those are formulated to look like a traditional dog bone treat, others are offering soft chews, hard chews, and even cheese wraps to best suit your dog's preference and personality. 

Just as you would when shopping for CBD products for your own health, make sure to do research before buying treats for your dog too. This will ensure that your purchase products containing high-quality CBD oil that will have a benefit vs simply being words written on the packaging. 

Finally, it is also critically important before administering any health-related product to consult your dog's regular veterinarian and or another professional who is treating the heart condition. This will help the veterinarian to be able to provide guidance on proper amounts of treats for you to provide as well as helping them monitor any positive or negative results from the CBD regimen.