Valentine's Day is over, but did you ever wonder about that person who you talked with at the jewelry shop and what his or her job was like? In this latest video from Kronos Workforce they talk with Jennifer Miller, a retail sales associate at MJ Christensen Diamonds in Chicago. During the video she talks about one of her favorite charities, BeadforLife and some stories about interesting customers.
Kronos is the leader in workforce management solutions and helps its clients manage time and attendance records, worker's schedules, absence records, HR, payroll and pretty much everything needed to manage the employee part of a business. What I really like about this video series is that they have been able to highlight some interesting jobs that people do - but ones you may not ever have considered how important they are. It's sort of like Kronos itself. You'll probably never miss your scheduling tool till it doesn't work ... just like you might not think about your sales people until you walk into a store and find nobody to help you.
In this video Jennifer talks about her job and how she has sold jewelry ranging from $39 all the way up to $750,000!
One of my favorite moments is her sharing about the organization BeadforLife which empowers women in Uganda by having them create jewelry using recycled paper turned into beads. Jennifer went there and worked with the women and now sells those pieces of jewelry in the store where she works. Because of her knowlege in the industry, she was able to help these women - many of whom survive on less than $0.60 cents per day.
Other posts from Kronos's Workforce Stories series that you should make sure not to miss include an Alligator Wrangler, a Zookeeper, Truck Driver, and a guy who Builds Pinball Machines.