how to find a trustworthy home contractor or repair company

If you’re inviting anyone into your home, no matter the purpose behind the invitation, you hope that this person will be trustworthy. Inviting someone into your home is an act of trust in itself, even if it’s as simple as having your internet modem installed. Many people consider that construction workers or perhaps repairmen are simply coming into fix something, but to have your cherished home worked on is quite an intimate activity. You trust the handyman to complete the job, to respect your space, and to do so in a manner that rectifies the issue instead of creating new ones.

Most handymen are reliable. They are hardworking, pleasant and caring people, who simply want to do the best job possible, get paid, and have your return business one day in the future. It is important to look upon them with appreciation and optimism.  For example, it might be that a fairly unbearable white collar person would look down on a plumber, not realizing that this skillset is infinitely more valuable and grounded than the manipulation of numbers they take part in. But this is getting ahead of ourselves.

No matter who you hire, or for what purpose, you want that person to be trustworthy. In order to do so, no matter if you’re hoping to implement A/C Repair, repair shelving, or perhaps knock a wall through, you need to subject each new potential hire through a list of personal criteria. Thankfully, we have compiled a list for you, to help you avoid the rogue traders and instead build a great relationship with a reliable firm, and the people behind it.

Look for Trusted Online Reviews

Any professional outfit of home repairmen will have some form of online presence. This might not be a polished website, but they’ll at least have some reviews online for your perusal. This might be through a third party, such as a Google business listing or perhaps something more niche, such as Yelp. At the very least, simply googling the company name can help you come across experiences they have crafted in the past, for better or worse. You’re looking for good reviews of course, but more importantly you’re looking for criticisms. Be sure to take everything you read with a pinch of salt. Sometimes a customer isn’t always in the right, but sometimes a great review can be left by a relative or other form of biased party.

Average reviews are fine. Remember that the main thing you’re looking for is an indication of past transgressions. If you’re looking at a rogue trader, you’ll fine out pretty quickly that this is the case, and that can motivate you to stay well away from the goods and services offered from this outfit. If you decide to hire this group, be sure to leave them a review after the work is completed, detailing your experience to the extent that you feel comfortable doing so. This can help someone else in your position potentially benefit from finding a competent business to hire, while also securing future work for a company you appreciate.

Does He Have a Website With Details About His Practice?

It might not be that small Pa-and-son handymen have their own websites. They might function under a trade name, with an email address and phone number, and that’s it. These business listings are often found in a local publication, or in the Yellow Pages. However, for more professional outfits, perhaps those that also offer their own products as well as the installation capacity for your home, it can be more than worthwhile to check out their website.

Look for the authoritative symbol of the local trade verification body where you live. There are usually separate bodies that govern the validity of businesses trading in electrical, plumbing any many other home construction affairs. If they can verify they are part of this body, you’re mostly in luck. Checking the website can also be important to potentially secure online deals, those that aren’t offered over the phone. At the very least you’ll be able to learn a little about the company, find more comprehensive contact information, and generally start on the right footing.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask for References

A tradesman with integrity will never quote you a price without diligently checking out the work. They also will refuse to quote a price until they educate you as to what the problem is, how long it will take to fix, and the supplies and suppliers they will need to interface with in order to get the job done. So far, so good. However, it can also be important to get a second opinion on the job, just to ensure the price isn’t being artificially inflated. Try to compare two similar businesses. It might be that having the official parts manufacturer send a workman to complete the job might be a little more expensive than a local tradesman, but the insight and official knowledge this employee can apply to the situation will be more than worth the effort.

If the two prices are similar, you know both tradesmen are trustworthy. If they are wildly out of proportion, gain a third opinion. It’s not always the case that the most expensive quote is someone trying to fleece you, as sometimes out-of-work rogue traders are more than happy to try and secure business with attractive rates - only to provide a botched job later on. Pay for quality.

Determine How Long Will the Project Take and When it Will be Complete

The trustworthy outfit will give  you a competent timeline of the work to be conducted. They will help assign dates and times of day as to when they’ll come and work on the issue. This might be two hours long. It might be two months long. Depending on the size of the job, the importance required, and the ability to work in the right conditions, the timeline may change, but they’ll let you know of this far in advance.

Identify Any Potential Issues Before Contracts are Signed

An untrustworthy home repair outfit will promise you everything under the sun. Obviously if you’re hiring a service, that’s what you want to hear. But sometimes what you want to hear isn’t what you should be hearing. Let’s say you’ve hired a roofing firm to replace your roofing felt. You realize that it’s very cold outside and it’s rained all morning, but surely the work can be completed? A competent firm will tell you that today they cannot work, and that they’ll be happy to rearrange with you, as the weather could potentially cause some damage to your property if left without insulation or protection.

This is just one example among many that suggests that a professional is never afraid to give their opinion, particularly when that opinion could dictate the integrity of the job you face.


You should be told well in advance the cost of the job, the price of materials, and any working changes that may need to happen to this end figure. You shouldn’t be asked for money for suppliers upfront, this should be provided by the outfit. You should be given the legal length of time to pay, sometimes that can be up to 90 or 180 days, particularly if you are a business yourself.

Every firm will operate a little differently, but some will even be open to a payment plan provided you apply the full amount in the correct length of time. As payment is the most sensitive topic surrounding this entire working relationship, it’s important for them to be upfront, trustworthy, and yet firm with their pricing. If you respect a firm with fast payment and care, they will often work hard for you, and be more than happy to return to your home or business again and again.


Trustworthy repair or installation businesses will be more than happy to detail what suppliers they use for the job, and provide you information on them. For humble repair firms, it might be that the local DIY store provides a bulk of the base materials they use. That’s fine. For more professional outfits such as those involved in A/C repair, they might have trade relationships with suppliers set up already, and let you know in advance who they are and why they use them. You might not understand why one supplier is better than another as sometimes this is quite a niche topic, but simply being given this information forthrightly can set your mind at ease, knowing that the firm has made a reliable choice.


A competent home repair firm will always strive for your satisfaction. They will often return to work on a job you aren’t satisfied with, or keep you informed throughout the process, which will allow you to raise any questions you might have. For this reason, it’s essential to know just how to inspect the work that’s been conducted, or perhaps how to ask informed questions to help you assess the quality of the work. Most of the time a good firm will be happy to help you feel comfortable in this effort, and that can be all the help you need.

With these tips, you’re sure to make worthwhile and repeatedly informed hiring decisions.