How to reduce the lifetime cost of your cell phone

These days, most of us rely on our phones to some extent. It’s just part of modern life. It can be a big expense if you approach it in the wrong way though. Too many people spend far more than they should on things like their phone contract and everything else associated with their smartphone, but it shouldn’t be that way. Just because you need your phone, that doesn’t mean you should accept spending more than you have to on it.

There are lots of things you can do to reduce the amount of money you’re spending on your phone, and that applies to every stage of the ownership process, from when you buy it until you finally get rid of it. We’re going to talk about all of the things you can do to save money on your phone, and when you’ve read about them all, you can implement some of them. You’ll be surprised by just how much money you can save.


Choose a Refurbished Model

Of course, this process all starts with buying your smartphone. If you’re in need of a new phone but don’t have a lot of money spare to spend on one, you should look for a refurbished model. Things like this like guide will tell you what you need to know about doing this. These refurbished models are often very easy to find and they’re a lot cheaper than brand new models. If they’ve been refurbished by capable people, they’ll work like new too.


Talk to the Phone Company Directly

Sometimes, you can get better deals and special offers if you speak to phone companies directly. It’s amazing how these companies are suddenly willing to offer you a better deal when you’re on the phone with them and you’re threatening to switch to a rival company. That’s when they’ll pull that final offer out in an attempt to prevent you switching to a rival phone company. Some people don’t like calling companies directly but it’s worth taking a little extra time to do this because it can make a real difference.


If You Can Access an Employee Discount, Use It

Even if you don’t work for a phone retailer or service provider, you might know someone who does. If they can access a discount for you, be sure to make the most of it. When you’re able to use employee discounts, you inevitably save big and that’s never a bad thing. Never pass up the chance to save money like this because it’s always worth it over the long-term, even if you have to ask around in order to get what you’re looking for.


Track Your Phone Usage to Find the Right Contract Arrangement

 There are lots of contract options out there these days and those options seem to be increasing all the time. You should take the time to survey them and decide which of those arrangements offers you proper value for money from your phone each month. To do this. You could track your phone usage and really understand how you use your phone and what you use it for most. Your usage should always dictate which contract arrangement you choose.

For example, if you’re someone who loves to stream and/or game via your phone when out and about, it’s worth it to consider upgrading to 5G capability to save a ton of money in the long term here. Of course, you’ll have to check if 5G is covered in your area first of all with, and if so, this option should go down on your checklist.

Use Free Messaging Apps

You can save yourself a lot of money by using free messaging apps instead of texting. If you’re someone who primarily uses their phone for texting friends and family, you can cut back on those texts by using online messaging instead. It’s completely free to use apps like Whatsapp if this seems like a better option to you. More and more people are turning to these apps so makes sense for you to as well, especially if you’re currently paying a lot for your texts.


Don’t Pay for Extras That You Don’t Use

If you’re currently paying a lot of money for those added extras that come with your phone contract, you should think carefully before signing your next one. It makes no sense to pay for things that are barely being used. It’s one way in which phone companies extract more cash from you than they really should, so don’t let yourself get ripped off by those companies any longer. Only pay for the services that you know you want and are sure you’re going to use regularly. 


Consider Bundling Your Services

A bundled service can take your mobile, landline, broadband internet and TV needs and bring them all together under one cost. Bundling these things together makes sense when it allows you to save money compared to what you’d be paying if you paid for them all separately from different providers. It’s something that’s certainly worth exploring and looking into in more depth because the money saving potential is certainly there. You just need to compare bundles and find the right one for you and your family.


Only Use Your Data When You Need To

For more people, the real cost of owning a phone comes from mobile data usage. We all take it for granted that we can use the internet via our phone wherever we are and whatever time of day or night it is. But if you’re not careful, you could end up spending a lot when you run out and need to top up your data. It’s always a risk, and one you should be careful to avoid if you want to keep those costs down.


Don’t be Afraid to Switch

If you’re sure that your current provider simply isn’t offering you value anymore, don’t hesitate to make a switch. Too many people make the mistake of being too loyal to their phone companies but this nearly always backfires in the end, so try to avoid it.

We all have phones but that doesn’t mean we have to accept throwing money at them all the time. As you now know, there are plenty of ways to save money on your phone, from the day you buy it until the day you stop using it and trade it in for another. So stop spending more than you need to.