home office decoration tips

A lot of people are working from home these days and if you do, you need to have your own office space in your house. This could be an office in your spare room or just a desk in the corner of your dining room – wherever you choose to work, it needs to be separated from your general living space. When working from home, you need a permanent workspace that you can go to in the morning and leave at the end of the day. To help you keep your office productive, it is important to decorate the area and make it a space you like to spend time in. You need a home office that is both functional and inspiring.

Personalize It

One of the benefits of working from home is that you can decorate your space however you like – no more staring at blank, grey cubicle walls or looking at those generic pieces of office artwork. You can fill the walls with photos of your family or your pets or any kind of art or prints that you like. You can create a gallery wall to help motivate you through your workday or fill the space with stunning canvas prints.

Invest In Comfortable Furniture

A comfortable office chair is vital because you will be spending a lot of time sitting at your desk and you need to protect your physical well-being. As well as having a comfortable chair, you can invest in further back and neck support. Try to choose items that are practical whilst also adding character and making the space more fun.

Get Plenty Of Light In

It is vital for a workspace to be bright and airy. Natural light is the best for this, so remember this when choosing an office space and pick somewhere that has plenty of light streaming in throughout the day. However, sometimes it is not possible whether you do not have the right space in your house or just the lack of daylight hours. Invest in task lighting or use lamps if your office space is a little dingy.

Choose The Right Colors

A great way to create an inspiring atmosphere in your workspace is to go for calming colors. Blues and greens can go towards creating a peaceful environment, and neutral colors help make smaller rooms feel bigger. Brighter or multiple colors can be overstimulating or distracting, so it is better to keep your color scheme muted. You can use rugs and wall art to add pops of color and texture without overwhelming the space.

Add plants

Breathe life into your office by adding a bit of greenery. Plants add color and help to brighten up the space whilst also helping with airflow. Plants have also been shown to reduce stress levels and increase productivity, making them the perfect addition to any workspace. If you struggle to keep plants alive, then there are plenty of low-maintenance options, such as cacti, snake plants or succulents.