Ways to Celebrate Father's Day Right

Father's Day is in a couple weeks, so here's some advice to make sure it's special and not just time to get another tie or "hand painted coffee mug". 

Adults Can Celebrate Dad Too

It seems that everything you see for Father's Day is about little kids buying stuff for their dad. But at a certain point that sentiment seems to go away as far as marketing budgets. It's OK though for a 40 year old to celebrate his dad though, so don't just focus on kids (even if they are cuter).

niki outdoor patio

It's OK to Include Pet Daddies

Likewise, consider all of your doggie dads and pet fathers. Now obviously my dog isn't going to take me out to dinner but you can still plan a special outing such as a hike, picnic or road trip with your fur baby.

Focus on the Experience

Gifts are great but at a certain point it's more about the memories created than the item received. So think about ways to connect that item with a memory and create an experience that will last a lifetime.

lobster tail

Go Out To Eat Somewhere Special

Going out to dinner is probably the easiest thing to do, but make sure it's somewhere special. For instance - anyone can grab a burger but lobster is special. Plus, one thing I love about Red Lobster is that they are really good when it comes to food allergies. This makes it a great place to go if you are concerned about gluten or dairy free like my wife is.

Gather Some Old Family Photos and Make a Photo Book

If you feel compelled to provide a physical gift, make something memorable. One great idea is to take all those old family photos and mix them with your favorites on Facebook and Instagram then put them into a photo book for dad. This way you can preserve the images that you guys treasure.

darlington race

Take a Father and Son Road Trip 

While I've gone on hundreds of trips in the past nearly 40 years, there are a few that stand out. Among those were the times I spent at the Indy 500 with my Father In Law and the trip my dad and I took to Darlington Speedway. It's those opportunities that help connect the generations and build memories. While auto racing might not be your thing, take that spirit and go on a hike or even a cooking class. Find something that you and your father share and make the most of it.