crypto currencies guide what to know before investing

So you've been hearing about this cryptocurrency thing and you're curious to learn more? You're not alone! A lot of people are getting interested in cryptocurrencies, but there is a lot of confusion around them too. In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of cryptocurrencies and answer some of the most common questions that guys have about them. By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of what cryptocurrencies are and whether or not they are a good investment for you.

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Even though this year has been rough for most crypto investments, regulation will make investment "safer" for new investors. However, for those guys sitting at home in front of your computer looking for a side hustle investment or just a fan of collecting cool stuff ... crypto assets and NFTs can be a fun way to spend time.


What Are Cryptocurrencies And How Do They Work?

Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units. Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, which means they are not subject to government or financial institution control. Bitcoin, the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, was created in 2009.

Since then, the world has been flooded with a variety of other similar currencies. These include: Ethereum, Tether, Binance Coin, and XRP. There are also so called "stablecoin" currencies that have been created and are valued directly to the dollar such as U.S. Dollar Count which is powered by Ethereum but backed by U.S. Dollars at an 1:1 ratio.

Cryptocurrencies are often traded on decentralized exchanges and can also be used to purchase goods and services through various e-commerce sites. Over the past few years, these currencies have evolved dramatically and emerged beyond the shadows. Today you can even engage with cryptocurrency products through most banks and online financial systems such as PayPal.

What About NFTs? What Are They?

NFTs or non-fungible tokens are a special type of cryptocurrency that represents a unique digital asset. NFTs are not interchangeable like other cryptocurrencies and each one is unique. This means that they cannot be divided into smaller units like Bitcoin can (each BTC is divisible up to eight decimal points).

NFTs have been gaining in popularity because they can be used to represent a wide variety of digital assets such as art, music, video, and even virtual real estate. The possibilities are endless and limited only by the imagination.

In fact, while there are obscure artists creating NFT content that is now worth millions of dollars, many large brands such as Paramount

Why Are Cryptocurrencies So Volatile?

Cryptocurrencies are volatile because they are still relatively new and there is a lot of speculation around them. As a result, the prices of cryptocurrencies can change rapidly. It's not uncommon to see a currency lose or gain 20% or more of its value in a single day.

This volatility can be nerve-wracking for some people, but it also presents an opportunity for those who are willing to take on the risk. The key is to do your research and understand what you're investing in before putting any money down.

How Do People Make Money With Crypto Assets?

People can make money with cryptocurrencies in a few different ways. One way is by buying them when they are low and selling them when they are high. This is similar to how you would trade stocks. Another way is by providing services or goods in exchange for cryptocurrencies.

However, with the exception of those people buying branded NFTs to participate in virtual worlds like Paramount's Star Trek, the most common reason to have an NFT or crypto asset is to make money is by treating them like any other virtual asset - as an investment. This means trading or auctioning them to someone looking to pay a higher price than you did.

How Is Investing in Cryptocurrency Different Than FOREX or Commodities?

Cryptocurrency is different than FOREX or commodities because it is not regulated by a government or financial institution. FOREX or foreign exchange market trading of global currencies, is obviously a highly regulated practice since it mostly involves state-backed financial products.

On the other hand, cryptocurrencies are only backed by individual companies that have issued the currency.

While many governments—including the US Federal government—are beginning to regulate crypto assets, including currencies and NFTs, investors should be aware that this environment has high levels of risk for fraud, manipulation, and volatility.


How To Buy Cryptocurrencies

The best way to buy cryptocurrencies is through a licensed and regulated exchange. Some of the most popular exchanges are Coinbase, Binance, Paybis, and Kraken. These exchanges allow you to buy, sell, or trade cryptocurrencies.

You can also purchase cryptocurrency through an online broker such as eToro or Robinhood. However, it's important to note that not all brokers offer the same coins and that some only allow you to purchase certain types of cryptocurrency.

It's also possible to mine cryptocurrencies, but this is generally only profitable if you have access to cheap electricity and specialized equipment. For most people, buying crypto is the best option.

Before investing in any type of cryptocurrency, it's important to do your research and understand what you're buying. This is especially true for newer investors. Cryptocurrencies are a high-risk investment, but they can also be very rewarding. Just remember to stay informed and always invest responsibly.

NFTs or non-fungible tokens are a special type of cryptocurrency that represents a unique digital asset. NFTs are not interchangeable like other cryptocurrencies and each one is unique. This means that they cannot be divided into smaller units like Bitcoin can (each BTC is divisible up to eight decimal points).

NFTs have been gaining in popularity because they can be used to represent a wide variety of digital assets such as art, music, video, and even virtual real estate. The possibilities are endless and limited only by the imagination

The Risks Of Investing In Cryptocurrencies And Nfts

Cryptocurrencies and NFTs are a high-risk investment. Prices can be volatile and tend to go through cycles of boom and bust. This means that it's important to invest only what you can afford to lose.

Cryptocurrency exchanges themselves are also vulnerable to hacks and scams. This is why it's important to only use reputable exchanges and never store your coins on an exchange. If you do choose to invest in cryptocurrencies or NFTs, remember to diversify your portfolio and always invest responsibly.

Another risk is simply losing your wallet or forgetting the password. This seems like a dumb thing that would never happen but it has happened!

what guys need to know about crypto and nfts before investing for the first time

Tips For Beginners Who Want To Invest In Crypto Assets

The most important piece of advice is to only invest what you can afford to lose. Likewise, if you are a fan of a media property, artist, or brand and want to jump in and collect an asset ... go for it. Just don't assume that everything always goes up in value.

Cryptocurrencies and NFTs are a high-risk investment and prices can be volatile. It's important to remember that you could lose all of your investment.

Before investing, do your research and understand what you're buying. This is especially true for newer investors.

Investing in cryptocurrency is different than investing in other assets such as stocks or commodities. Make sure you understand the risks before investing any money.

Diversify your portfolio by investing in a variety of different coins and assets. This will help reduce your risk if the price of one coin goes down.

Never store your coins on a centralized exchange! All exchanges are vulnerable to hacks and scams. The best way to store your coins is in a cold storage wallet. These are typically small, physical devices that connect to a computer when needed but otherwise are not connected to the internet.

Investing in cryptocurrency can be a great way to make money but it's important to remember that it's also a high-risk investment. Always invest responsibly and never put more money into crypto than you can afford to lose. Thanks for reading and good luck!