Pineapples are important for sinus health.

Taking care of our health is always important, but it can sometimes be a real challenge. For one, the most accessible food options are not really the most healthful ones. We all have been warned about readily available fast food, right?

In addition to availability, the price of some healthy foods is also an issue. Try ordering a healthy salad and you will see what we mean; some of them are just too expensive to be eaten on a regular basis. This has led some to believe that being health-conscious is reserved only for the well-off.

Fortunately, there are healthy food options that are not only cheap but also pretty abundant so you can have them even while traveling. Specifically, we present here food options that promote sinus health

However, it is worth noting that if you already have serious sinus conditions, it’s best to have an exam by professionals such as those from the Dr. Krueger Sleep & Sinus Clinic. You might need an intervention that is more than just adding a few healthy variants to your diet.


Ok, so water isn't really a food. However, we're including it since it is the absolute most important thing you need for good health. Everywhere we go, water flows. And it is free most of the time so drinking a lot of it shouldn't be a problem. But just how important is it to sinus health? 

The body uses water for almost all its functions, no matter the importance. However, when there is a shortage of water in the body, the less important functions are weakened or altogether shut down in favor of the more important ones. 

The production of mucus in the sinus area is important in keeping impurities out, but it is less important than, say, digestion and respiration. So, when there is a supply issue, water can be taken away from the sinus, which can lead to mucus that doesn't flow and is practically hard to discharge. 


Ginger is widely used as a culinary add-on to literally spice any dish up. Aside from its flavor-enhancing properties, this tuber is also rich in antioxidants that help protect the body from the harmful effects of oxidative stress. 

Aside from that, ginger also has components that help address inflammation in the sinus and other parts of the body. Inflammation is not good for sinus health because it causes congestion and eventually headaches. 


If ginger is not really your cup of tea, there other options that might be more palatable for you. Pineapples are among such options. This tropical fruit contains antioxidants that help protect the delicate sinus membranes from damage. It also has enzymes that help the body combat inflammation. So next time you get to enjoy some fruit salad, be sure to throw in slices of nice and sweet pineapple.

While there are options that are expensive and hard to find, eating right does not always have to be costly. Water is free most of the time, and ginger and pineapples are usually affordable in supermarkets. Enjoy these, and never forget to work out and get the right amount of rest to complete your regimen.