sober vacation ideas such as a visit to a spa resort in hawaii

Summertime is the perfect time for a vacation, and for many men, that means spending time outdoors enjoying activities like fishing, hiking, and camping. But what if you don't want to drink alcohol while on vacation? Are there any fun sober vacation out there for you? Yes! In this blog post, we will share some great ideas for sober travel vacations this summer that will help you have a blast without drinking. So pack your bags and get ready to have some fun!

Why Go Sober On Vacation - Are These Ideas Just For Recovering Alcoholics?

Sobriety sometimes has a connotation of being a punishment but we think that's the wrong way to look at things - and in fact, this often is the cause of many issues related to the abuse of alcohol and other substances. Simply put, while alcohol and other substances can be an enjoyable part of many people's lives and especially on vacation, it doesn't always have to be that way. There are a lot of people like this that simply enjoy a sober lifestyle.

I know many blogger friends and associates who simply don't enjoy the taste of alcohol and others. This includes myself who while I enjoy a drink or two, don't need alcohol to define my ability to relax and have a good time.

So, no. These sober vacation ideas are for more than just those faced with alcohol addiction. They are for anyone looking for a great way to explore new places with other sober travelers looking to have a good time.

In fact, this market even has a name "sober curious" for folks without addiction or substance use issues who simply want to go explore the world doing sober activities without the consumption of alcohol. It's your vacation time so make sure to enjoy it in the best way possible.


General Tips For Staying Sober While Traveling

There will always be a temptation for alcohol consumption on vacation. I'm not going to be naïve to assume you will never be presented with an opportunity to have a drink. The important thing though is that these alcohol-free vacations that we've listed below are designed to make things easier to avoid temptation while not feeling like you have to sacrifice anything to do it.

Make a plan before you go.

One of the best ways to stay sober while traveling is to have a plan in place ahead of time. Know what activities you want to do and where you want to go, and be prepared for any situations that might arise. This way, you'll be less likely to be caught off guard and will be able to resist temptation more easily. Additionally, consider asking for advice from your recovery community as well as seeking professional medical advice if you aren't sure what you might be capable of doing if you have recently recovered from drug addiction.

Stay busy.

When you're busy, it's harder to find time for drinking. Make sure to schedule plenty of activities during your trip so that you're constantly on the go. This will help keep your mind occupied and minimize your chances of succumbing to temptation.

Stay connected with sober friends.

If you're traveling with friends, make sure to connect with sober friends who will support your sobriety goals. This can help provide a sense of community and support when you're in a new environment.

Avoid situations that might lead to drinking.

There will undoubtedly be situations during your trip where alcohol is present, such as at dinner or while socializing with friends. Try to avoid these situations whenever possible, or at the very least, be prepared to handle them effectively. 


The Benefits Of Taking A Sober Vacation

Now that we've gone over some tips for staying sober while traveling, let's talk about the benefits of taking a sober vacation.

Sober vacations can help you save money.

One of the biggest benefits of sober travel is that it can help you save money. Alcohol is often one of the most expensive items on vacation, so by avoiding it on an alcohol-free trip, you can end up saving a lot of money.

Sober vacations can help you focus on your trip.

When you're not drinking, you're more likely to be present and focused on your surroundings. This can help you get more out of your trip by being able to fully experience everything that your destination has to offer.

Sober vacations can help improve your health.

Obviously, avoiding alcohol on vacation can have a major impact on your health. Not only will you be avoiding the negative effects of alcohol, but you'll also likely be eating better and getting more exercise, which are all great for your health.


Seven Sober Vacation Ideas For Summer Travel

Don't let sobriety hold you back from having an amazing time on your next trip. With a little planning and preparation, sober travel can be fun and easy! Let's take a look at sober vacation destinations for men looking for a great way to travel this summer. From camping and hiking to beach vacations and city getaways, there's something for everyone.

 sober cruise holland america line bahamas

Take A Cruise

One sober vacation option that is growing in popularity is cruises. These can be great for sober travelers because they offer a wide variety of activities and entertainment options, so you're sure to find something to keep you busy. While a cruise ship environment is not known for its lack of access to alcoholic drinks - all major cruise ships host daily support groups discreetly labeled as "Friends of Bill W." This is a great way to get support during your cruise while being surrounded by other folks looking to avoid alcohol.

Additionally, it is one of the best travel experiences for sober travelers since you can experience a little bit of a ton of different things from spa treatments to experiencing bucket list destinations and some ships even allow you to go rock climbing on the ship itself!

If you are early in your recovery or simply aren't ready for the temptation, don't worry, a sober cruise where the entire ship is filled with sober travelers looking to have a fun time can be a great idea. Even later in your recovery process, sober cruises are an excellent sober vacation idea since it is a great way to meet new people and experience a local culture without feeling like you need to do it with a drink in your hand.

 visiting a national park for sober summer vacation

Visit A National Park And Get Back To Nature

If you're looking for a more active sober vacation, consider visiting one of America's national parks such as Yosemite or or Glacier. These beautiful places will be nice and cool this summer. There are plenty of hiking and camping options available in the United States, so you can get back to nature and explore the great outdoors. Even state parks are a great way to explore natural wonders in the warmer months. Just be sure to plan ahead and pack all the necessary supplies so that you're prepared for anything.

Depending on how rustic your choose to go, one benefit of camping or even glamping in a national park is that you pack what you will be consuming and so while there are certainly opportunities to cave to temptation, if you don't pack it then it is a lot harder to consume than simply ordering it off a menu.

While you are there, think of the mental health benefits of physical activity and how much better you can experience them with a clear head. Athletic outdoor activities that you can enjoy here might include: hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, whitewater rafting or if just a leisurely day standing in a river fly fishing.

 miramonte resort indian wells california

Visit A Spa Resort

On the other end of the spectrum from the rough world of getting back to nature by camping and hiking is the opportunity to visit a spa resort. By the nature of their focus on healthy living, alcohol is generally not the focus of these destinations.

There is a wide spectrum of resorts to consider from high-end luxury resorts in Hawaii or California to a yoga retreat or even a more eco-resort-focused properties in Costa Rica.

Even if the resort you pick isn't explicitly a "spa resort", make it into a perfect opportunity for you to enjoy some free time relaxing by taking a spa day where you can focus on yourself.

In fact, many addiction treatment centers are essentially based around the idea of a spa vacation so that you can concentrate on your sobriety. This time though, it's an opportunity to try some new things and get out of your comfort zone a bit more than you might have previously.

 Disney World is a great sober vacation idea for summer travel

Disney World Is A Great Place To Avoid Alcohol

Somewhat surprisingly, Disney World's Magic Kingdom in Florida and Disney Land in California are great sober vacation options for families or groups of friends. Not only is there plenty to do to keep you busy, but you're also surrounded by people of all ages, so it's a great way to avoid any peer pressure to drink.

Another benefit of planning your sober Disney trip here is that alcohol is not openly served at food stands or permitted to be carried while walking around the parks. While it is available at select table service restaurants, it is a far different experience than what you might expect at other theme parks around the country such as Universal Orlando Resort which often defines itself on the creative drinks available there. One thing to be aware of though is that while Disney resorts in general are less focused on alcohol - the Magic Kingdom and Disney Land are far better in this regard for sober travelers compared to California Adventure or Epcot parks for instance.

 montana fly fishing sober guys getaway

Fishing Expedition With Sober Friends

Fishing trips with the guys can often be defined by excessive drinking, it doesn't have to be that way though. If you have a group of guys that agree to leave alcohol behind then this is a great way to spend time together bonding and enjoying each other's company as well as the bounty of nature that surrounds you.

There are loads of options here from a simple weekend getaway to a vacation rental on a lake, hiring a guide to do some Montana fly fishing, or even head to the tropics of Costa Rica and check out some of their epic Tamarindo fishing charters. Whatever you do though, fishing is a great way to connect with nature away from the temptation of alcohol.

Like camping, alcohol can be less of temptation since if you don't take it on the boat in the beginning it will be difficult to pick some up in the middle of the ocean!

 valley of fire state park road trip

Take A Long Road Trip With Younger Family Members

This sober vacation option is best if you have a close group of friends or family members that you can trust to not drink while on the trip. If you are the driver then obviously this is a must, but even if you are not, it can be a great way to see the country and spend quality time with your loved ones.

Just be sure to plan your route ahead of time and make sure that there are plenty of things to do along the way so that everyone stays entertained. Road trips can be a great sober vacation for families with young children as well since there are often many kid-friendly activities to enjoy at each stop.

Even if someone else decides to have a drink, if you are the designated driver or guardian / chaperone then you have the responsibility and easier ability to avoid drinking.


Church Mission Retreat Or Volunteer Project

If you are looking for a sober vacation that has a more spiritual focus then there are many options to consider. Church mission retreats or other volunteer projects, such as volunteering to build houses with Habitat for Humanity, can be a great way to give back while also spending time with like-minded individuals.

These sober vacations often have a very specific purpose such as helping to build homes, working in soup kitchens, or providing medical care in underserved communities.

While the work can be demanding, it is also very rewarding and you will often find that the people you meet on these trips become lifelong friends.


Sober Travel Tour Groups

The ideas above have focused primarily on activities for sober people to do on their own but there are fantastic tours that are specifically organized for sober travelers. These will have you surrounded by people in a similar situation to yourself and can be a great way to meet sober friends.

You can usually find tour groups like this at your local AA meetings or another support group that you may be attending.

Groups like these can be especially good if you are looking to visit a destination that is often synonymous with parties and alcohol such as New Orleans, Las Vegas, or Los Angeles.

While these sober travel tour groups are often targeting those folks in recovery and not people that just prefer not to drink, it can be a good option for anyone looking for an alcohol-free summer vacation.


You Don't Need Alcohol To Have A Great Summer Vacation!

So there you have it, sober vacation ideas for men that can help you enjoy your summer without the need for alcohol. While some of these may require a bit more planning than just picking a random destination and showing up, all of them offer great opportunities to bond with friends or family members and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Alcohol doesn't have to be part of every vacation - in fact, it often makes things more difficult. With a bit of creativity and forethought, you can easily plan amazing sober trips that everyone can enjoy!