naked pea protein powder

There are tons of options when it comes to protein powder, but most guys don't know about the different types and uses for them. In this blog post, we'll discuss four things that you may not have known about protein powders: what they're made from, how to choose a type for your needs, the benefits of using a vegan option, and why they can be handy during travel.

What Are Protein Powders Made Of And What Do They Do?

Protein powders are made from a variety of plant-based sources including peas, soybeans, hemp seeds and rice. While they're often used for weight management or muscle building purposes by people who work out regularly, there's no need to be lifting heavy weights in order to benefit from them. Protein is essential for our bodies - it helps with tissue repair and muscle growth, as well as cell function that keeps us running smoothly every day. It also provides energy which can help you keep going when your body feels like giving up on the couch after working all day! There are tons of different types of protein powder depending on what you want it for: vegan options if you eat animal products; low carb options if carbs are something you are trying to avoid for instance with those following a keto diet.

We checked out Naked Nutrition and were pretty impressed by both their quality as well as transparency. Not all protein powders are equal unfortunately. There are many manufacturers that are packing their products with additives and artificial ingredients. Most people will never notice and many people don't care. We think that is contrary to the whole point of taking a supplement like this in the first place though.

If you goal is to shape your body and get it to a specific level of performance then why use anything but all natural products that are good for you and better for the environment around you too.

For instance, Naked Nutrition uses Whey from grass-fed California cows and Naked Pea from raw yellow peas grown in the United States and Canada. There are no artificial flavors, colors, sweetener, and now mixing agents. Instead of creating a "protein powder cocktail" it is up to you to add the Naked Nutrition protein powders to whatever you want.

 top things men ask about protein powder

How To Choose The Type Of Protein Powder For Your Needs?

The type of protein powder you should use depends on your personal needs. If you're looking for a pre or post-workout supplement, then it's best to look at whey and plant based options that are designed with this in mind.

A vegan may want to check out pea protein which is what Naked Nutrition uses for their products - plus they have tons of flavor varieties too! This can also be great if someone has an allergy, food intolerance or sensitivity because there's no dairy included in the mixture and also no artificial colors. Finally, if you are traveling often then one thing to consider when choosing a product is how easy it will be to take along with you as well as how quickly it dissolves so even though you may not be able to enjoy the hot meal you had planned for lunch it is good know that you won't have trouble getting your protein in.


The Benefits Of Using A Vegan Protein Powder Option?

A vegan protein option can be a big benefit for those that are following dietary restrictions such as the Paleo diet. If someone is looking to avoid animal products like eggs, dairy, and meat then going with this type of powder could work well. People who follow a vegan lifestyle may also find it helpful because there's no risk of getting any additional hormones or antibiotics from their food sources that way either - which would only complicate things more than they need to be!

Plus these powders often contain fewer carbs so if you're trying on a keto diet or just want something low-carb then another great thing about pea protein is that it has little effect on insulin levels too. Protein isn't always easy when your body feels like giving up though so if you plan to be working out more often or just want a little bit of additional help then there are also products on the market that offer amino acids for instance.


Can I Travel With Protein Powder And Take It Overseas?

Yes, you can travel with protein powder but depending on your destination and method of travel there may be considerations to consider. For instance, protein powder is by definition a "powder-like substance". As such, when traveling by air in the United States they must be screened separately if you are carrying a volume greater than 12 oz (350 ml). The best solution here would be to simply pack it in your checked luggage instead of going through the hassle with security.

While different countries may have different restrictions on how much you can carry with you, the simple answer is that most countries including: UK, European Union, Canada, and Japan will allow you to travel with protein powder being used for personal use during your visit.


Is There Gluten Free Protein Powder?

People with gluten allergies or sensitivities have a tough time finding foods that they can eat. That's why you may want to consider going the route of protein powder if it seems like your health is suffering because there are companies out there offering products for those needs too! You'll find more options than ever before in terms of flavor variety and some even contain added micronutrients too - which could be helpful if you're looking to incorporate this into part of an overall healthy diet plan.

With regards to our friends at Naked Nutrition, most of their products including vegan ones are naturally gluten free and rely on pea protein and brown rice protein - neither of which has any gluten.


Can You Use Protein Powder In Coffee?

This is one of the latest wellness trends and can kick your boring basic morning cup of joe up a notch. For instance, taking a chocolate or vanilla protein powder and mixing it with your coffee can give you the benefit of more protein in your diet while making your coffee taste great ... all while avoiding using a flavor syrup that is packed with sugars.

Another benefit here is that since caffeine is a natural stimulant it may actually help you with your workout if you consume your coffee within 30-60 minutes before hitting the gym.

Adding protein powder to your coffee isn't a magical fix though. Those who normally eat a healthy, protein rich breakfast with a cup or two of coffee will generally not see a difference if they decide to mix protein powder in with their coffee. The simple reason here is that everything gets mixed together in your stomach anyhow.



Can Protein Powder Go Bad?

Yes, protein powder can go bad. Most protein powders though have a fairly long shelf life and in the case of Naked Nutrition their products have a stated shelf life of up to two years.

To check the expiration date of your protein powder, there will usually be a "best used by" date on the bottom of the container or printed somewhere on the label to help you avoid having stuff go bad.

Additionally, you can help ensure that your protein powder stays good for as long as possible by storing it in a cool, dry, dark place. This will help avoid humidity causing the powder to clump together and the potential for light to break down elements in the protein powder and cause it to go bad.


What Is Creatine Vs Protein Powder Which Is Better For Building Muscles?

When it comes to building muscle, creatine and protein powder are two different beasts. Creatine is a supplement that helps your muscles perform better at high intensity exercise for short periods of time while protein powder will help you build the actual muscle tissue over longer periods of long-term training.

Protein powders can be used in addition with other supplements too such as pre-workouts or post workout shakes but they're not designed specifically for use during workouts - which means if this was your main concern then you would want to find something more tailored to those needs instead.

 naked nutrition grass fed whey nutrition

Can You Buy Protein Powder With EBT?

The simple answer to the question some men ask about buying protein powder or other supplements with EBT is, "it depends". The more complex answer is that supplements are generally not available to be purchased with public assistance money including SNAP program, Food Stamps or EBT. However, some protein powders may be considered "food".

The easy solution here is to check how the label on your protein powder or other supplement is written. If it says "Supplement Facts" then the government considers it a supplement ... if it says, "Nutrition Facts" then it is considered food.

In cases where your protein powder is sold as food, you will most likely be able to use EBT funds to purchase it.

Protein Powder Can Be An Important Part Of Your Diet - Make Sure You Treat It Like Any Other Food You Consume Though!

Protein powder can be an important part of your diet but they aren't magical. You still need to do the work. Furthermore, you should treat it like any other food you consume - garbage in, garbage out. This is why it is so important to get a high-quality protein powder with natural ingredients and avoid those with artificial elements. If you prefer organic vegetables and free made bread then why would you not take the same amount of consideration to your body with supplements and protein powder too?

Protein powders can be used as an addition to other supplements, such as pre or post workout shakes but they are not designed specifically for use during workouts - which means if this was your main concern then you would want to find something more tailored toward those needs instead.