How to overcome sexual health issues with sex toys

This article is going to get a lot of raised eyebrows I'm sure. The genesis of this idea started from a conversation I had a few months ago with the folks at Perfect Fit. While they are primarily a store to sell toys for fun and pleasure - we both wanted to encourage guys to be more healthy, active, and happy without resorting to pills, creams, etc. For too many guys, there are sensitive topics that have attracted companies promising to solve everything from ED to PE or even make your equipment longer. There's a stigma about these men's health issues and so it can be difficult to discuss them compared to the simplicity of ordering some snake oil online and hoping for the best. That being said though, here are some ideas on how sex toys can help overcome some of the most common sexual health problems that men face.

Honestly, simply writing this article is difficult since it is stepping into an entirely new area of content for the site.

I think it's important for guys to have this conversation though. After all, when I go to women's blogger conventions - sex toy manufactures are common to be seen. However, for some reason with men it's taboo. That's why for this post I'm not even going to get into the pleasure benefits (for you and your partner). We're simply taking a new look at sex toys for men and how they can help you improve on or even overcome sexual health issues that many of us face or will face at some point in our lives.

We're all adults here, but if this offends you, please don't read any further.

Cock Rings Can Help With ED and Let them Last Longer

In specific instances, pills and creams have their place. However, by wearing a cock ring or penis ring it can both help you maintain an erection longer. This isn't for people who have PE (premature ejaculation) issues though it can help. Rather, this is a solution for those who have ED (erectile dysfunction) or trouble maintaining an erection for as long as they want to. Medically, these are referred to as ED rings when worn for therapeutic benefit to maintain an erection.

While ED affects men of all ages, the National Institutes of Health estimates that 12% of men under 60, 22% in their 60s, and 30% of men over 70 will have this issue. I suspect that the number is actually higher but most guys feel ashamed and don't want to reveal the truth. ED can be caused by a variety of issues related to blood pressure, kidney function, stress, alcohol or drug use, prescription drugs, and hormonal issues.

How ED Rings Work:

An ED ring is placed around the base of the penis and serves to constrict the blood vessels and slow the return of blood back to the body. This helps maintain a strong and healthy erection though it should not be worn for long periods of time or you could cause damage. Most ED or "cock rings" are made of soft flexible material such as rubber, silicone, or latex though some are constructed of rigid materials. Some variations also have small vibrators to help enhance both your arousal as well as that of your partner.

play zone kit from perfect fit in package

While most rings are pretty stretchy and so it's generally a "one size fits all" type situation. If you are concerned that the ring you are looking at might not fit, then there's a solution to that! Perfect Fit has a "sizing kit" that should provide some fun for a couple to try on different sizes and see what works best for both comfort and effectiveness.

Size Issues - Too Long 

Sure, most guys say they wish they had this problem but in reality it can be a painful issue for both partners. For instance, a guy whose penis is too long compared to his partner's vaginal depth can hurt her by thrusting too deeply. There are actually solutions to this problem as well. Perfect Fit calls their products "bumpers" and "thrust buffer". The concept is simple - by placing a cushion around the penis, thrusts won't be as deep and you can enjoy sex more.

Size Issues - Too Small

This is probably the fear of most guys, but in reality there are guys for whom penis size is a medical issue preventing them from having effective sexual intercourse. Instead of using pumps, pills, and creams the "Fat Boy Extender" can help add length and girth. It is also designed to enhance pleasure for both parties - important especially for him since you are essentially putting a thick sleeve over the most sensitive parts of the penis. 

Ultimately, it's up to each individual or couple to decide how to address sexual health issues. However, as alluring as instant chemical solutions provided by pills might be - there are often other options. Who knows, you might even have fun trying toys like this. However, maybe even more importantly is that it opens an opportunity to have a conversation with your partner about something as important to your relationship as sexual health issues.