help your business scale

Businesses that fail to adopt at least some online solutions in this digital age often find themselves left behind. The good news is that there is an abundance of software and online tools available to help businesses scale, consolidate, and engage more with their consumers. 

While there is no one-size-fits-all technology for all businesses, there are some basic technological features all establishments can benefit from. These basics are suitable for beginners or more seasoned tech users alike, and are easy to learn and use effectively. 

This guide will provide a high-level breakdown of the technological solutions that all businesses stand to benefit from:

Training Modules

Employee training can be both time-consuming and costly, which is why more and more businesses are turning to online training. Online training helps to smooth operations by automating training processes for both onboarding and additional development purposes. 

This training is essential for the general productivity and operations of all businesses, but is particularly essential for businesses within the food and drink service industry where specific certifications are required to serve food and beverage. 

Bartenders and other servers of alcoholic beverages in California, for one, will need Responsible Beverage Service Certification and will require training to help them become certified. Establishments looking to get their staff trained  can utilize online courses for proper RBS training in California to ensure all staff is adequately educated. 

RBS certification will be mandatory for both alcohol servers and managers in California come July 1st, 2022, so sourcing the right training program is essential. 

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Tools

CRM is a technology solution that helps maintain a relationship between a business and its clients. Different CRM tools offer different functionality and utility, but all serve to connect a business to its consumers better and streamline the engagements between them.

Internal CRM vs External CRM Tools

There are CRM tools designed for frontend and outbound customer engagement and others for businesses to utilize internally. For example, a business may use Salesforce to communicate with customers on the front end, as this application allows for a bi-directional view of deals. 

With an external CRM, businesses and their clients can transparently see where they are in the deal-making process and what still needs to happen for the deal to go through, the contract to be signed, or the sale to be made. 

A business could also adopt a CRM tool meant to be utilized by the business solely for internal purposes. For example, the tool Pipedrive enables all business employees to internally view what tasks they must complete individually as part of an ongoing deal. Pipedrive presents client deals in a cohesive timeline, presenting what has been done and has yet to occur in chronological order.