road trip safety tips

For most adventurers, there’s nothing more exciting than driving to a new destination and taking in nature and culture along the way. Whether it’s with family, friends, or by yourself, a trouble-free road trip can help create some awesome memories.

However, there’s only so much we can control while sitting behind the wheel. Your journey could involve undesirable weather, reckless drivers, risky terrain, and more. That’s why it’s essential that you do what you can to ensure a safe road trip. This road safety guide is here to help you mitigate travel risks.


Safety Guide for Before the Trip

There is a to-do list you should be aware of before you begin your journey to aid in decreasing your chances of encountering an accident or other related troubles.

Plan Your Route

Be prepared for what you are driving into. You should plan your route on maps or the GPS navigation system to know the distance and time it will take you to cover it. Always have a Plan B. That means you should know about alternate routes to your destination in case you have to make such a switch due to blockades, high traffic, or an accident. Consider involving your kids in the research.

The process of planning your route also includes checking what type of terrain you will expect as well as weather patterns in the area.

Once you have planned your route and are ready to depart, do share it with your friends or someone trustworthy and remain in contact with them with regular updates about your journey.

Vehicle Maintenance

Inspect the vehicle before driving. Create a list to ensure you get to everything. Some of the things you should check during the maintenance process include the lights, fluids, brakes, fuel, tires, and windshield wipers.

Don’t ignore a particular issue by deeming it minor because the departure date is near. Head to a professional mechanic to have it fixed as soon as possible. A seemingly minor issue could grow into a bigger problem during travel.

Emergency Supplies

Your vehicle should have an emergency kit. It doesn’t need to be the most intricate one, but it should include some of the essentials. Usually, an emergency kit should have a first aid kit, water bottles, a flashlight, a multipurpose tool, jumper cables, and some non-perishable food.

Other than that, you should make it a habit to travel with a portable mobile charger and extra charging cables.

Safety Guide for During the Trip

The safety tips to keep in mind while driving are:

Following Traffic Laws

This is a given. However, you will be surprised how many people don’t tend to follow certain traffic laws while driving, especially if they think they are alone.

You should never drive without wearing a seat belt even if there are no other cars around. And you should never cross the speed limit even when alone on the road.

You should maintain a safe distance between other vehicles, especially when taking over or making turns. Don’t forget to use the appropriate signals.

And don’t drink while driving.

Don’t Get Distracted

It’s easy to get distracted while driving. The risk of accidents increases when people text and drive. Stay away from your mobile phone while driving. Use a hands-free device to answer calls. Also, don’t fidget with the radio.

Distractions can also occur due to fatigue. So, take regular breaks during a long drive. Don’t force yourself to continue driving if you feel drowsy, especially during nighttime. Play it safe and consider taking a quick nap at a safe location.

If An Accident Occurs

Being safe while driving can still lead to an accident. Knowing how to handle such situations can aid with insurance claims, legal proceedings, and fair compensation. That’s why it’s recommended that you hire a car accident attorney. Such lawyers can share valuable information about your legal rights in the destination you are headed to.

Certain States have varying statutes of limitations for filing lawsuits (there’s only a 1-year deadline in Tennessee!). Other States might have laws benefiting cyclists more than drivers during accidents. Having a lawyer on your team can ease the process of filing and winning the accident lawsuit.


It’s always better to be safe than sorry. That’s why you should adhere to safe driving rules during your journey. Plan your route, carry an emergency kit, and be prepared for certain risks that might pop up along the way. A single mistake can lead to an accident having life-altering consequences.

You should also be in contact with an experienced car accident lawyer to help you navigate legal waters if need be.