
When you’re planning a vacation, make sure you add pounds to the suitcase rather than your waist. Of course, it’s a good idea to travel light in both senses, but if you want to eat natural and organic foods on the road, you may need to pack a few extra items for food preparation. In addition, make sure that you are aware of healthy eating options in the places you plan to go. With some preparation, research and a sense of adventure, you can stay slim and healthy wherever you go.

Plan Your Adventure

When many people think of adventure, they assume it means pursuing something completely unexpected. There can be significant adventure, however, in anticipating the sights and sounds and imagining what your average vacation day will look like. There are many ways to incorporate your healthy lifestyle into the fun and adventure traveling. Plan a day jogging on the beach, taking a dip in the sea and braving the waves and eating a healthy picnic lunch on the sand with a friend. Imagine sitting in a romantic café drinking chilled white wine from and elegant glass and savoring the flavor of succulent red tomatoes with feta cheese. If you plan to rough it, bring some healthy trail mix for your rock-climbing outing.

When you are considering what accommodations to book, choose those that are close to healthy eating establishments and health food stores. Inquire if there is a gym on the premises or one nearby that accepts day passes. Ask if there is a small refrigerator in your room, and plan to store vegetables, low-fat cheeses and tofu products there. You can make vegan sandwiches with Just Mayo mayonnaise replacement from hamptoncreek or put together a salad with an egg and dairy-free dressing. Bring along all of utensils you need, including the cutting board, for making these culinary creations in your hotel room, although you may have to buy a knife locally, because most cutlery will not pass airport security.

raisins nuts

Health Snacks While Traveling

It may not be the restaurants or the cafés when you land that provide the greatest challenges to your diet and health routine, especially since many restaurants have healthy options nowadays, but eating while in a plane or car can be a challenge. Airports are crowded with fast food joints in food courts and salty, fatty snacks on the plane. If you are spending hours on the road, it is tempting to pick up some unhealthy food at a convenience store where the only vaguely healthy options are oily nuts covered with salt.

Prepare your own care package of healthy snacks whether you are traveling on the road or in the air. In addition to packing healthy sandwiches, old-fashioned treats such as celery sticks stuffed with natural peanut butter or low-fat cream cheese keep you satisfied and refreshed during a long trip. Be sure to eat snacks that are high in protein which makes you feel satisfied and helps you avoid cravings. Choose low- sodium roasted nuts from a health food store and make your own trail mix. Bake your own natural crackers, healthy cookie and nut cakes. Be sure to bring water with you wherever you go, because dehydration can cause phantom hunger pangs.

Stay Active

While many tourists spend the bulk of their days walking or hiking, some trips, particularly business outings, can lead to sedentary behavior. Sitting on planes for hours or remaining stationary during endless business meetings can lower your metabolism and prevent you from burning calories. Fit in exercise whenever you can, even if it is only walking up the stairs rather than taking the elevator or walking from your hotel to an office. Bring athletic shoes and jump rope so you can get a vigorous fat burning cardiovascular workout in the convenience of your hotel room. In addition to calorie burning, do some yoga in your room to ease stress and clear your mind from the many’s distractions involved in traveling.

Traveling should be fun, but can also involve unpleasant departures from a healthy routine. Stay motivated, be prepared and find ways to eat healthy foods and exercise when you are on the road. This involves doing research ahead of time to find healthy restaurants and gyms in the area where you will be staying and bringing along natural and organic snacks to satisfy your appetite when you’re in the airport or driving. You need not leave your diet and fitness routine at home, but you can look and feel great wherever you go.