keys to getting a better night sleep

Everyone needs enough sleep. People also need good quality sleep. When people have the really great sleep they need, they tend to find it easier to concentrate at work and get things done at home. Good quality sleep has another benefit: it can help reduce the effects of the aging process. If you are finding it hard to get to sleep or finding it hard to stay there, you're not alone. Fortunately there are a few simple, easy steps you can take to overcome these problems and get the rest you need each night. Use these tips and let them make your life a lot easier.

Artificial Light is Not Entirely Your Friend

Artificial light is a wonderful thing. It makes you safer and makes it easier to get things done when the sun goes down. But artificial light has a downside. It can interfere with your natural sleeping habits. When night falls, it's time to get into a routine that will help reduce your exposure to this kind of light. Make a point to shut down all of your electronics at least an hour before bedtime. That will help your body respond to internal cues that it is time to go to bed.


Create a Schedule and Stick to It

The body has a clock. Your internal body clock runs on a roughly 24-hour schedule. Work with it not against it. It can be tempting to let things go on weekends. You might want to get to bed later and get up later. It's best to avoid this as much as possible. Stick to your daily schedule even on weekends. Get to bed on time and get up on time. Your body will respond by allowing you to fall asleep fast every night and stay asleep.


Carve Out a Routine

Routines are vitally important. They add structure to our lives and help us stay on track. The same is true of routines when it comes to your sleeping habits. The body does best when it has a routine that eases you into the night. Get to know who you are and what you need to get into bedtime mode. This varies from person to person. However, in general, people benefit from having a routine that reminds them it's time to hit the sack. Have a cup of tea and take a bath before you go to bed. Allow enough time to wind down and you'll be more relaxed and ready to go to sleep.


Don't Eat Before Bedtime

It's best to get in the bulk of your calories well before bedtime. Eat a big breakfast, a hearty lunch and a light dinner. That way, you have plenty of time to digest your calories. Try not to eat within three hours of your planned bedtime. That will help signal to your body that it is time to go to bed. It will also help you avoid getting up in the middle of the night because of digestive issues.


Nap Well

Naps are fabulous. This is a great way to catch up if you're running a sleep deficit. A nap can help you focus and avoid feeling too sleepy. Learning back and resting your eyes lets you let go of daily stress. At the same time, naps can also create problems. Whether you are at work or at home sleeping on your memory foam mattress. A quick, twenty-minute nap early in the day is ideal. Longer naps can make it harder to get to bed later in the day. If you nap, set a time. When it goes off, it's time to get up.


A Dark Bedroom

Your bedroom should be dark. Light can interfere with your ability to get to sleep. It can also wake you up earlier than you like. Think about all areas of your bedroom. Put up blackout curtains on the windows. That will prevent light from coming in when you go to bed and wake up. Avoid overhead lighting. Instead, opt for scattered task lighting. That way, you can control the amount of light that's getting in each part of the room. Take it a step further by using a comfortable eyeshade to keep light from getting directly into your eyes.


Say No to Caffeine At Night

For many people, coffee is one of life's great pleasures. The aroma and taste help them wake up and feel better. At the same time, caffeine can also create issues when it is consumed later in the day. That's why you'll want to keep your coffee and caffeine consumption to a minimum once you get past noon. You don't want to be awake if you're about to attempt to get to sleep. Go for beverages that don't have any caffeine in them like sparkling water and diet drinks.