winter delivery tips

Can you believe that it's already September? Summer vacations are over, kids are back in school and it's now back to business as usual. As a grocery delivery company, you're used to the slump that happens during the summer. But now that everyone is back to their regular routine, it's now time for you to start planning for a boom in business. Cooler temps mean more people ordering from home, which means you need to be ready when the orders start coming in. In addition to working with the right vendors, there are other things you can do to make things go smoothly. Below are four insider tips to prep for the winter delivery season.

Pre-Winter Maintenance

Now's the perfect time to make sure your delivery trucks are ready for action. Use this time to have them inspected prior to peak ordering season. You should head over to the mechanic and have the oil changed, brakes inspected, and also have a complete once-over done. You also need to factor in the cost of fuel. Gas prices are at an all-time high, so you might want switch over to electric vehicles. The benefits of electric cars are far more than just ditching the gas pump. They're a cost-effective solution that not only saves you money, but they're also better for the environment. Your drivers can charge up at local charging stations after their shift, which will also keep deliveries running on time.

Prep Your Marketing Strategy

Even if you have repeat customers, you still want to grow your business. Autumn is the perfect time to revamp your marketing strategy for the upcoming rush. Use this time to create social media content to promote your company. It's free, easy to do, and best of all, you can reach a lot of people at one time. Think about the different seasons and holidays coming up, and use those in your marketing strategy and content.

Hire Additional Staff

November through January are probably your busiest months. This is prime season, so you need to be prepared. If you know you're going to need additional help, you should start looking now. It takes time to find the right candidates, especially ones that you can trust behind the wheel. Start advertising no later than the end of September for holiday help. This way, you'll have plenty of time to interview, reference check, and train new hires. You should also plan on driving the routes, at the least ones most frequently taken, with them several times before they venture out on their own. Make diversity a priority during your hiring process in order to create a more socially responsible business overall.

Plan for Inclement Weather

As a delivery business, you need to have an inclement weather plan. If where you deliver gets a lot a snow and ice, how will keep drivers safe on the road? In addition to knowing when to cancel deliveries, you also need to have emergency safety kits in all of your fleet. At the very least, the kits should include flares, bottled water, blankets, protein bars and universal external battery chargers. The last thing you want is for one of your drivers to get stuck in the snow and not be able to call for help.