Summer travel grooming tips

Planning a trip? Well, it’s that time of the year. The summer season comes packed with thrills, events, festivals, and many other great reasons to pack and head out. In fact, it’s arguably the best season to embrace the beauty, magnificence, and wonders of nature.

However, before you hit the gas and set off, you need to make sure you’re fully prepared for your trip. And I’m not just talking about having an itinerary, camping kit, and survival gear. I’m referring to your grooming essentials. How are you planning to maintain your good looks when away from home? No clue? Don’t fret – that’s why you are here.

In this post, I’ll walk you through a few simple, lightweight grooming prerequisites to carry on any trip; whether it’s a vacation, business trip, camping adventure, or anything that involves leaving the comfort of your home. So, here’s what you need to know:


Hair Styling and Maintenance Products

One of the easiest ways to keep your hair and beard looking great is by using the right products; in the right amount and time. Why is this important? Well, your hair and beard are probably the most visible parts of your head; i.e. the first things people will see when they meet you. So, it’s important to make sure both look healthy, well-groomed, and styled.

And that’s why, for your beard, you need to carry beard oil and balms. For hairstyling, carry small-size cleaning essentials (like mini shampoos, conditioners) and some paste, clay, gel, wax, or pomade. Most of these products often weigh less than a pound, so you won’t feel their weight. Plus, with the right comb and/or brush, they make hairstyling easy and convenient. Ensuring your hair stays in place and looking good all day long. If you don’t know how to utilize them to your advantage, it’s worthwhile to learn how to use pomade for the best effect.


Lightweight, Cordless Trimming Tools

If you’re taking a long vacation, trimming essentials are important. Especially, if you prefer clean-shaving your beard and maintaining a short haircut. Now, this might not be so necessary for those traveling to areas with access to affordable barbershops. But, we all know how tricky it can be to deal with a new barber. The last thing you want is to vacation with a bad haircut, right?

So, if you don’t want to take that risk or are traveling to a remote area, make sure you carry a few trimming essentials. For example, a lightweight cordless hair clipper, razor, shaver, nose/ear trimmers, shears (for beard trimming and shaping), and a nail clipper.


Dental Care Essentials

Get this. It is easy to clad like a celebrity with a million-dollar look. However, all this glam and glory will mean nothing if you can’t hold a decent conversation without chasing people away. Yes, I’m talking about bad breath. It’s one of the biggest mood killers of our time.

Therefore, make sure your breath smells fresh. It’s easy. All you have to do is brush your teeth after every meal, floss, drink a lot of water, or chew some mint.


Skin Care Essentials

Lastly, remember to take good care of your skin. This means carrying some toiletries, sunscreen (if you’re planning on spending a lot of time under the sun), moisturizers, bug spray, and lip balm. Also, remember to stay hydrated and under a shade when you make a stop.

Obviously, travel grooming will differ from your daily grooming routine. But the goal is to ensure you maintain your good looks even when away from home. And the best part is that all the items mentioned here are lightweight and will probably fit into a small pouch/bag.