digital nomad live

‘Digital nomads’ were unheard of just a short few decades ago but now this way of working is a commonplace lifestyle. A lot of us know a digital nomad and many aspire to be one. So, if you’re finally able to get yourself on the road and work at the same time, then what’s stopping you? Now that remote working is becoming more and more common, so is the rise of the digital nomad. There are a few things you’ll want to consider before you get going though - check out these essential tools that can benefit you along the way!

Accounting Software

If you’re travelling and working at the same time, you’re going to need to keep your finances in order. This is often easier said than done. Accountancy software is definitely something that you’ll want to look into, as it can help you in all areas of business finance. Whether you need a VAT Calculator or an invoice creator, this software is your friend. Always use the resources available to you. This way you’ll stay compliant and get paid with no issues. You’ll need to ensure that money lands safely in your bank account with no issues to keep funding your travels!

A Portable Laptop or Tablet

Now, depending on the work you’re planning on doing as you travel, the likelihood is you’re going to need access to the internet. This could be through your phone, a laptop or tablet. However, even though they’re not as lightweight, laptops are usually your best option when it comes to work, particularly if you’re a creative freelancer, such as a content writer or graphics designer. Have a look at the best portable laptops for travelling here. You could also consider getting yourself a dongle so that you can access the internet as you go from place to place - however, this does depend on what area you’re in and what package you buy.

Handy Organizers

Organization is something that you need to prioritize, as if you’re actively on the move whilst you work, you have a lot to juggle. That means you need to keep in mind all your work deadlines, whilst also ensuring you get the work-life balance right as you travel. You could consider software to help you with this, such as workflow management tools like Trello. You could do it the old fashioned way and get yourself a sturdy diary to jot down everything you need to do and when - this could also be ideal for you to write down your memories you’ve made on your trip. Regardless of how you do it, there’s no doubt that you’ll welcome the help of some form of organizational tool, so don’t leave for your travels without!

Being able to travel and work at the same time is an incredible privilege, and for many of us, a relatively new phenomenon. Ensure that you make the most of it and have a serious think about the tools that you’ll need to take along with you to make the experience as seamless as possible.