tips avoid bike injuries

Bicycle injuries are common, especially in areas with high cycling rates. If you find yourself injured while riding, it's important to know what to do. In this blog post, we will outline the steps you need to take if you're injured while riding and provide some tips on how to prevent bicycle injuries from happening in the first place.

Getting around a town or city by bicycle is a fun way to travel that leaves a minimal carbon footprint. However, cyclists are at risk of becoming injured on a bicycle when riding on unfamiliar roads or if hit by a distracted or intoxicated motorist. It is critical to be aware of one's surroundings, wear a helmet, and keep personal insurance information on your person when riding on a bicycle.

The two contributing reasons for becoming injured on a bicycle are falls and vehicular crashes. Additionally, bicycle fatalities are more likely in urban areas and between six and nine in the evening. However, if a person is unfortunately injured while riding a bike, there are helpful steps one should take.

Contact the Police and Emergency Services

If someone becomes injured riding a bicycle, contact help immediately. Witnesses to a bicycle accident can step up and contact local law enforcement or emergency medical services to help an injured cyclist. Be cautious about moving an injured person in case any unseen injuries could increase the risk of physical immobility or death if physically adjusted. Call 911, describe the accident scene, the condition of the injured, and wait until help arrives. If an injured cyclist is on the road, find a safe place to move out of the path of traffic and try to move personal property as well.

A bicycle rider can go from pleasantly riding to ending up jettisoned violently from their ride in the blink of an eye. Property owners may be liable for negligence if there is a lack of signage denoting that an area is uneven or unsafe for riding. Motorists must follow strict traffic laws to reduce the risk of injuring cyclists and should have insurance. When one is injured on a bicycle, quickly get your bearings. Gather as much information as possible about the accident. Make sure any nearby witnesses can speak up about what happened to authorities.

Seek Medical Attention and Document Injuries

After being injured on a bicycle, it is critical to seek medical services and document significant injuries. Road rash, broken teeth or bones, and trauma to the head can escalate into something more severe if left untreated. Documents related to treatment at a clinic, hospital, or via emergency medical professionals can be used as evidence for litigation or seeking compensation for injuries. Even if someone feels that their cuts or bruises sustained from being injured on a bicycle are minor, they should not avoid seeking out services and documenting the incident. Documentation is critical for future claims.

When an accident takes place, contact legal services to determine who is at fault and protect the interests of the injured. A legal professional with a background in bicycle accidents and related laws can better assist a client seeking compensation for property damage and medical treatment for trauma.

It is a smart move to have updated photos of the bicycle involved in the incident and any receipts supporting property value. A licensed accident lawyer is beneficial if an injured person sustains lost wages, needs additional medical treatment, or wants compensation to cover bills or pain and suffering. There is no need to feel helpless after a bicycle injury.

How To Help Avoid Bicycle Injuries In The Future

There are many ways to avoid injury on a bicycle. Some include protecting your body physically, while others focus more on avoiding trouble areas. Unfortunately, sometimes accidents will happen, and in those cases, it is important to know what to do. However, it is always best to try and eliminate an injury from happening in the first place!

Easy Ways To Stay Safer When Riding Your Bicycle:

1. Always wear a helmet when riding.

2. Follow the rules of the road.

3. Be visible to motorists by wearing brightly colored clothing.

4. Consider investing in personal insurance to cover damages not protected under homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policies.

5. Join cycling groups that advocate for improved cycling conditions and safety while riding

By following these steps, cyclists can protect themselves from injury while riding a bicycle. However, if an accident does happen, it is crucial to know what steps to take next to ensure all medical and legal needs are met.