elderly woman watching live stream video

Right now is a pretty amazing time in terms of integrating technology into the home to make it safer and more comfortable. Just a few years ago, the idea of smart home technology was about wifi-connected lights that you could turn on and off almost like a toy. Today though, it is helping our parents (and ourselves) live at home longer than they might have been able to previously. Technology innovations like live streams, connected sensors, digital door locks and even service robots will allow these folks ... and ultimately ourselves ... to postpone the inevitable move to assisted living centers and retirement homes. 

Older people can often benefit from having a helping hand in the form of family, caretakers, and a home that has been modified to meet the normal issues that come with aging, such as diminished eyesight, slower movement, and a higher chance of falling. Small sensors, covert cameras, smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, and voice-activated speakers are all examples of smart-home technology that can make life easier, more convenient, and more social for seniors. Read on to find out just some of the amazing tech that can be installed in an elderly person’s home to ensure they are kept as safe as possible at all times. 

Live Streams 

The term live stream has a few different meanings when it comes to taking care of an older loved one. To begin with, it’s a great way to keep in touch with your parents, grandparents, or anyone else. This is not technically a live stream in the usual sense of the word, but it is very close to it – you would call up your loved one and because they would have the right technology installed, they wouldn’t necessarily have to answer any device; it would just open right up to allow you to chat to them and check in on them. 

As well as this, the live stream technology could be used to ensure an older person’s home is safe and secure. If they were away in hospital for a procedure or some checks, for example, you could use the live stream tech to log in and ensure their home was locked up and that nothing untoward was happening. Even on a day trip, the older person could check in on a pet, for example. It offers peace of mind for all involved. 

Smart Door Locks 

Smart door locks are an effective way to make homes more secure for elderly people. With the ability to remotely control, monitor, and unlock doors through wireless connection, these advanced door-locking systems guarantee extra home security. It's a great way to provide peace of mind for elderly residents and their families.

The best part about these smart door locks is that they're incredibly user-friendly and require no additional wiring or installation fees. All it takes is a few simple steps and your elderly family member can feel safe and secure with the knowledge that no one can enter without their permission. Plus, many models come with easy-to-use mobile apps so you can easily check up on your elderly family member from wherever you are in the world!

Elderly Monitoring System 

If you want to ensure your older relatives are kept safe and secure in their own homes, why not install an elderly monitoring system? This kind of system will, as the name suggests, monitor your loved one’s movements throughout the day, and if anything unusual occurs, it will send an alarm to a dedicated person who can then check up on their parent or grandparent to make sure all is well. This might be done by phoning them, checking in on the live stream, or visiting, if you are nearby, for example. 

An example of when the alert might be triggered would be if your loved one normally makes their breakfast at the same time (approximately) every day, but on one day they don’t do so. This would enable you to check on them. 

Remove The Peephole

Many people like having a peephole in their front door as it feels like an added layer of security – it means they can check who is at the door so you can determine whether or not you want to open it. However, as useful as they can be, there are problems with peepholes; you need to be at home to use them, and, of course, you need to be close to the door or be able to get to the door quickly enough to see who is there. This may not be possible for an older person if they have mobility issues. 

The solution is to remove the peephole (or leave it in place if you prefer – in this instance, it doesn’t make much difference) and install a camera doorbell. As long as the older person has a smartphone with them (which is another security measure you can implement), they will be able to see who is at the door immediately and even talk to them if need be. Not only that, but they’ll even be able to see who is at the door when they’re not at home, which can bring more peace of mind and keep their homes safer. 

Install A Smart Alarm

A security alarm is the bare minimum that should be installed in any building, especially a home where someone lives alone, and even more importantly when they are elderly. Of course, it’s best to choose some good technology, and a smart alarm is the best in relation to a home alarm system.

This kind of alarm can do a lot more than just create a lot of noise if it is tripped, due to modern technology. Streaming video to your phone isn't what makes an alarm "smart," but you can expect to get this useful aspect from a smart alarm anyway, which is ideal. Yet the best part is that because it is so high-tech, it will not activate simply because motion has been detected. It considers changes in temperature, air quality, sound, and even vibrations (caused by things like an opened door or window). All this information is stored, and if the system 'thinks' there is an issue, it will send you a text message or push notification to let you know.

Service Robots Are An Emerging Trend That Is Here Today

Service robots are becoming increasingly popular in homes worldwide, and they offer a great way to make life safer and more comfortable for elderly people. These robots can be programmed to perform a variety of tasks that help the elderly with mobility, medication management, entertainment, and even socialization. 

These robots can be as simple as the robot dog, Aibo, that can be a companion that doesn't require vet bills or feeding or it can be something more advanced. Already we are seeing them being used in senior centers and hospitals to bring medicines and monitor patients' health but as technology continues to advance they will be common in homes as well.