Tips and advice to chose the right truck bed cover

Here in the United States, trucks are one of the most popular choices for vehicles. What is not to love about these cars? The bed itself is already a great addition because of the various ways one can use it. You can put stuff inside and travel along with all of it. It can also be an extension so that more people can ride.

Based on this article, it can be a great addition to any family since you can use it all the time. Whether you are in or out of the city, there is always something that you can use it with.

There is one problem though: these trucks do not have a built-in cover. This is fine if you do not need it for your stuff. Maybe you do not use the bed quite as often as you want. It doesn’t make sense to invest in something that cannot be used all the time anyway. However, if you are going to use it often, you need to have something to protect your stuff from the elements. Whether it is natural threats like rain and heat to burglars and thieves, you need to have something to deter them. 

This is why buying a truck bed cover is important. However, how will you know that you have the best one for your truck? Well, it depends on what you need. There are many kinds of bed covers on the market and each one of them has a specific purpose. You can even make your own although this is not recommended if you don't know what you are doing. 

You can check out how here:

Types of Bed Covers

There are a wide variety of truck bed covers available today but the vast majority serve the same purpose - add extra functionality and utility to open space in your truck's payload area.


The snap cover is one of the easiest ways you can protect your truck bed and anything put in it. It is usually made of vinyl and can easily be installed into any bed. You just need to attach it on the edges of the bed and then you are done. It is rather easy to remove as well and a nice option to anyone who wants simple protection from the natural elements.

However, this is one of its main problems. Anybody can easily tear it open with a sharp knife, making it not safe for storage. Also, extreme heat and cold can cause it to expand and tighten up making it vulnerable to a lot of damage. It is the most affordable option though, which makes it perfect for people who want a fast and easy way to cover their truck beds.


 Folding or Tri-Fold

This is also known as a tonneau cover and it is, by far, the most popular option for anyone who owns a truck. You see it all the time since it is the most versatile out of all of the other options. The folding option makes it easy to use. It is usually made out of aluminum, thus making it impervious to any kind of cutting. IT can be exposed to a harsher climate as well.

However, one of the main issues with this one is folding. It is rather convenient since you can leave a part open. Once you want the entire bed free though, it will cover your rear window. if you do not worry about that one, then this might be an option that you are looking for like a bakflip mx4. It is also more expensive compared to the previous option, but the advantages it provides are worth all of it. 


If you are worried about the rear window being covered, then the next three options might be to your liking. Rolling covers are like the combination of the snap on and trifold in a sense that it carries similar qualities. Most of the roller covers are made with a combination of aluminum and vinyl, making it easier to use and store on the back of your truck. Also, it is strong enough to handle damage by rain, heat and possible knife attacks.

However, it does occupy a space near the rear window. If you want to use the entire bed, then this one might be for you. Also, you cannot use it partially as you need to roll it right at the end to store it properly. You cannot stop in the middle of covering as you need to secure it tightly.


If you are still worrying about your rear window view, then this one is an option for you. The retractable cover acts like a vinyl poster, although it is made with a combination of aluminum. It has a compartment that stores it at the back of the truck. Anyone can easily use it because you can easily slide it on and off the bed.

However, it does occupy some space at the back of the truck, which is not ideal for those who want to use the entire bed. It is also more difficult to set-up because of the machinery behind the retractable cover. It is also less durable compared to the tri-fold but it can still hold its own against damaging forces.



Lastly, this cover is the hardest of them all. It is made from metal or a combination of other materials. You need to attach the whole of it on the bed and secure it firmly so that nothing else can go through. If you need something strong enough to withstand even a standing person, then a hinged cover is your option.

However, it is rather heavy to remove on your own. You need someone who can lift it completely. Then, you cannot partially open it as well as you need to remove all of it from the back of the truck. Read this page to learn more about it. 

It can be quite difficult to choose the best cover for your car. Each of them might vary in quality, but it depends on what you need for your truck. Each one has its advantages and disadvantages. Most of these products can also be installed on your own but you need to be careful. You need to read the instructions properly so that the chances of damage or injury can be lessened.