Here is Part 2 of the Mountain Biking Trip to Colorado. Did you miss Rob's first part? Here's how the mountain bike adventure started out ...

We were geared up. Bikes were lubed, pumped and ready for some wicked free fall action. Our packs were filled with water and the appropriate nutrition for a day full of riding. We headed out on the first day, and the adrenaline was pumping. The hills were just as steep and crazy as I remembered, and we all had a blast. There were a few major falls, myself included. Nothing too serious thought, no broken bones and not a sufficient amount of blood loss to make us all it a day. The fellas and I had a blast on that first day.

We took off, back towards the cabin, around 4:30. We showered and got ready for a night out on the town. There are so many hot spots strewn across Denver Colorado, we were sure we’d be able to find something that would entertain us for the night. We did just that. We had dinner in a small local town, and found a small group of girls that were right around our age. We got to talking and ended up spending the reminder of the night with them. We had so much fun, and as it turned out they were in Denver to mountain bike as well, and there’s nothing hotter than a chick the downhill free rides – let me tell you.

We ended up spending the rest of our trip with these girls. They were able to hang with us like we never expected. This quickly turned into a couple’s vacation, it was the strangest thing we’d experienced in a few years. We were all expecting to go out and ride some downhills, drink some beers and share some stories. To have the true “Guys Get-away” – but it quickly became and even better “guys get-away” when we found this group of girls from California. For me, personally, I fell kind of hard for Jessie. She was the leader of the pack. We hit it off from the get-go. I’m typically not the mushy, emotional type guy and that’s just what Jessie liked about me. We fell for each other pretty hard.

This trip was one that I will remember for a long time to come. Me and the fellas had one of the best vacations we had ever taken. When it was time to head back to Indy, we were a little tore up – both from the trail and our the ties to our cabin out in the mountains of Colorado. We met a group of rad chicks, that made the trip for us that much more memorable. We created some more memories that will last a lifetime, and what’s not to love about that? That’s what a man-cation is all about! As for me – let’s just say I am going to need to invest in some travel insurance, because I’ll be venturing out to California a lot in the upcoming months. ;)