james in seattle

Everyone has had a job at one point in life or another and some of us have chosen to simply hop from one job to the next without figuring out how to develop this progression into a career. In many ways, my peers - other bloggers - do the same thing. They start with a work of passion - sharing food photos, political opinions, or thoughts about their favorite cars and travel destinations. In fact, that's how I got started too. For me now though, this is my career and that means that it's more than just making money doing things for other people. I'm in control and while that doesn't eliminate risk or heartbreak ... it is an unbelievable feeling knowing that I'm focused on refining my talents, developing my skills, refusing to sit back and assume I know everything, and in fact constantly trying to advance in every aspect of what I do.

Many folks look at bloggers and all they see is the cool cars and trips. What they don't see is the hours and hours of unpaid work that they do late at night after their "day jobs" or when the kids go to bed. In fact, even while doing fun things such as my exploring Seattle today, when I got back to my hotel it meant I had dozens of photos and video clips to sort through, edit, and publish. 

I wouldn't have it any other way though. Everything I do is an effort to make my content better and ensure that more people are reached for potential engagement with it.

 Despite the fact that it is my passion that drives my career it doesn't mean you can't make money as a blogger. That ultimately is a pretty essential component of a career after all!

Can you Make Money Writing a Blog?

Yes, you can make money as a blogger. According to Just Publishing Advice.com, there are many ways that online writing can make a writer money. Some opt to write self-published books, write for others, or create a blog.

Many writers and authors are making money as pro-bloggers, and with today’s technology, it is easy to publish their work online. All you need is a creative mind, good writing skills, and an internet connection. Many have found that they make more money as a pro blogger than they do writing a self-published book.

Here are some ways you can make money by writing a blog:

  • Advertising: Using blog space to display ads is a fast, easy method to start earning cash on your blog site. Google AdSense, Chitika, InfoLinks, PopAds, and Media Net are online advertisers that can be posted to blog sites. While it may not pay well at first, as site traffic increases, so will your paycheck. It is a great way to earn passive income every month.
  • Affiliate marketing efforts: You may do a bit of research, but affiliate marketing is another way to earn money on your blog, without writing a word. Amazon, Rakuten, and ClickBank, are some popular affiliate programs. By utilizing affiliated text links, you can start earning commissions every month.
  • Promote your own eBooks: If you are prolific enough to write a book, you can use your blog to sell your eBook. They can be self-published on many sites at a very fair cost. You can also offer a giveaway of the eBook to help build your mailing list for future outreach.
  • Editing others’ work: There always seems to be a need for editing books, if you have a good command of the English language and grammar, you may find a job as a book editor rewarding and give you something a bit different than constant writing.
  • Consider freelance writing: Yes, there are a lot of writing mills out there for writers, but a lot of companies want a dedicated blog writer who will help them develop topics and write blogs for them. Those that want to keep their blogs fresh will need ongoing assistance and will pay writers well for a good-quality copy.
  • Get paid to write product reviews: Many organizations are looking for respected bloggers to try their products in return for a review. This can be a great way to build relationships with respected brands while making money for the review.

Additionally, there are plenty of other resources out there to help point you in the right direction if you are looking to make money from your blog.  For instance, Men Who Blog has a list of networks that are recruiting make bloggers for sponsored posts and here's a guide on how to make money blogging with ValuedVoice. There are lots of ways to make some money but you should never believe that the process will be quick or easy!