home renovation ideas that men can DIY

Do you enjoy being hands-on? Would you like to work on your practical skills? DIY projects have become the way to go for most people. Not only do they help people get more satisfaction from home projects, but they also help them save money. But of course, there’s a limit as to how much you can DIY. For starters, some jobs are best left to professionals unless you want to damage your home or put yourself in danger. Secondly, some home renovations are so intricate that you will barely be motivated to finish the task or the skills to complete the job.

So, you want to find a renovation you can handle by yourself without risking your safety and the home’s façade. Also, you want a project you can finish without giving up and calling for professional help. Is this possible? Sure thing! Let’s look at how you can upgrade your home and get a better ROI.

Install Wallpaper

In the past, the thought of installing wallpaper was enough to scare people into ditching the whole DIY project. After all, it was a messy job that required you to have a pretty good idea of handling hand tools and messy paste. The job often resulted in sticky wallpapers with smears all over them, and beginners could not help but delegate the task to professionals.

But now, you have the option to use peel stick wallpaper which comes with its adhesive. All you do is peel the backing and stick the wallpaper on the wall. If you make a mistake, you peel off the wallpaper and start again. You can see why people have embraced temporary black wallpaper so much. Besides, removing it is also simple and will not leave any marks or smudges on your wall. You also don’t need to scrape anything off your wall.

Clean Your Home’s Exterior

This point makes for a funny second point. But think about it. When vinyl siding is new, it makes the house look like a dream, and even realtors cannot help but complement its aesthetic appeal. But over the years, the siding starts looking a bit off, hurting the home’s value. Of course, making a few stylistic swaps can make a big difference to the overall feel of the place. Having replacement windows can make for a cleaner-looking home, but when you are looking for a quick way to upgrade your home, a bit of elbow grease makes a big difference!

The easiest way to get rid of this eyesore is to clean your home’s exterior. Something as simple as scrubbing the siding with a good cleaner and hosing it down will work the magic. While using a power washer may look like a great idea, it can damage the siding and leave you with more renovations on your to-do list. Keep it simple, and you will not regret it.

Update The Front Door

Have you had the same old door for years? Sometimes, changing the door could be the one thing you need to change the house’s appearance. Of course, this comes at an added cost, especially if you need to get a new one. So, what’s the easiest way to tackle this? Painting the door and switching up the accessories. For example, if you’ve had a dull brown door adorning your space, you can choose a bold-colored door instead. Or you can change the house number or paint your mailbox. For some people, changing the doormat works the trick. But it’s hardly likely that you would get satisfaction from changing the doormat and calling it a day. Go ahead and grab a can of paint!

Renew Your Cabinets

Installing new cabinets is a costly and time-consuming venture. Unless you are going for a complete home remodel, you hardly need to go this far. Instead, you can spruce up what you already have in the home, both in the kitchen and the bathroom. Painting them or even switching their accessories works great. Try and match the hues in the house and add some accessories to complement the new colors and you’ll be surprised at how well this works. Your cabinets will serve you for longer, and people entering the space will hardly be the wiser that the cabinets are not new.

Paint the Walls

While using temporary wallpaper works great magic in rooms, it cannot serve the whole house by itself. Otherwise, the house would end up looking a bit much. Interestingly, even before installing wallpaper, you need to ensure that the wall is well painted. There’s no escaping paint; try as you might!

On bare surfaces where wallpaper cannot suffice, how about painting the walls? Painting is an easy way to update a surface, and with the many paint textures and colors on the market, you can always find a unique option. Make sure you prep well because painting is a messy job.

Get a New Backsplash

While backsplashes serve practical purposes, they are mainly considered to be aesthetical additions to kitchens. So, it makes sense that people go all out when choosing the right backsplash for their space. What are your options?

You can go with natural stone, provided you get pieces you can install on your own without calling for professional backup. The other option is to use wallpaper- which might sound a bit crazy, but it works just as well. The advantage of the wallpaper is that you can switch it out as often as you want without damaging the wall or breaking your back over prep work. Can the deal get better than that? You can also work with peel and stick tiles. Yes, they also exist!

Work on Your Bathroom

How many hours do you spend in the bathroom on average? Think about your morning and night routines, showering, etc. It’s a lot of time to spend in a drab space. Now might be the ideal time to upgrade your fixtures and hardware. Be careful when changing any plumbing or electrical fittings in the bathroom and only bite off what you can chew. Otherwise, a paint job, a few shelves here and there, and some new accessories should be enough to make the bathroom look fresh.

Please note that some home improvements can hurt your home’s resale value. If you want to invest in a huge renovation project, you are better off calling professionals rather than risking your ROI. All the best!