Ideas to help dads looking for father and son bonding ideas with their sons.

The whole notion of father-son bonding is a tricky one for many people to get right. You might feel that you probably don’t need to worry about it too much - perhaps you already spend a lot of quality time with your son and you know that things are good, or maybe you just have a strong relationship and you don’t really need to worry.

But if you feel that there is even a chance that things could be a little better, then looking into some forms of father-son bonding could be a really good idea. The good news there is that there are plenty of means by which you can do that, so you should never run out of ideas. In this article, we’ll look at just a few of them.


Spend The Day Fishing

Is there any more classic way to spend the day with your son than by going fishing? If you are worried that you first need to know how to fish yourself, don’t worry - that’s not true, you can merely learn along with your son if necessary. However, if you do already know how to fish, at least the basics, then that’s great news - it means that you are much more likely to be able to use it as a bonding experiment by teaching them what you know. It’s a simple case of getting hold of some fishing gear, finding a (legal) spot to fish, and settling down for the day. If your son is of age, you could even crack open a beer or two. All in all, it’s a peaceful and enjoyable way to spend the day with your son.


Play Video Games

Many men enjoy video games almost as much as young boys, so this opens up a natural opportunity for you to spend time with your son. If your son already enjoys playing video games a lot, then you might want to think about turning this into a father-son time, so that you can really make the most of it. You might even surprise them with a brand new game or one that they have been keen on getting since it came out. And you don’t necessarily need to be any good at gaming yourself: in fact, they might find it funny if you are struggling to make it work, and they might even be able to teach you a thing or two, which can be really fun for both of you.


Play Music Together

There are many great benefits to playing an instrument, and one of the best things you can do for any child is to get them to learn an instrument of some kind or another. If you have done this in the past and your child can play something, then you can enjoy some good quality time together by playing music together. Whether you want to just jam for a while, or whether you play some of your favorite songs and so swap your musical knowledge in the process, this is a great way of spending some quality time with your son.

Cook a Meal Together

Food is a great way to bond and while telling stories over the diner table is a great way to share memories, the act of cooking is a fabulous opportunity for a father and son to bond. Do something that is natural to your relationship, it doesn't need to be fancy. It could be as simple as making pancakes in the morning to surprise mom with breakfast in bed, or it could be grilling steaks. Just do what comes naturally.


Go Camping

Some of the best father-son activities are those which get deep into the roots of being a primal man. One of the best ways to do that in a manner that is still normal enough and safe enough is to go camping somewhere, just the two of you. Even if it is just for a night, you can be sure that you are going to come out of the other side of it with a much stronger relationship between the two of you, and that you might even have learned a thing or two about each other. If nothing else, the act of setting up camp and starting a fire together is going to be enough to ensure that you are bonding somewhat with your son, and it is worth doing for that reason alone.


Go To A Sporting Event

If you have a preferred kind of sport that you and your son like to watch, then that is obviously going to be something that you can decide to do together, going to see some of the professionals play it. In fact, this can be exactly the kind of experience that a lot of sons remember fondly about their fathers later on in life, and knowing that you might be creating such lasting and happy memories should be enough to spur you on to do just that. It doesn’t matter what the sport is or where you have to go for it, so long as it is something that both of you enjoy equally, and which you can both really get into.

Take A Road Trip

Road tripping can bring together anyone who goes on it together, and this is certainly true for a father and son combination. If you want to get closer to your son, then taking a road trip is likely going to be a good way of doing so. You can plan it all out together, including what route you are going to take and what provisions you might need, and then you can simply get out there on the road. If they are old enough, you can share the driving, or if not then you can simply let them sit back and enjoy the drive. Even if you just go for a two or three-day trip, this is the kind of experience that is going to stay with them forever.


Teach Your Son a New Skill

Whether it is how to tell a joke, how to fix a leaky faucet, or even simply how to wash the car, teaching "man skills" like this is a great opportunity for a father and son to bond. Plus, it is ultimately creating a memory and a valuable life skill that he will be thankful to have when the time comes to use it!


Build Something Together

Whether it’s woodwork, DIY or anything else, building something together is one of the best ways to bond as men, while also teaching your son some of the essential skills that they might be able to use later on. It doesn’t matter what you build, but if it is something useful for the house then your family is likely to appreciate that too, and you and your son can both feel as though you are creating something useful for people to use. All in all, it’s a great bonding session.


Share A Story About Your Dad!

Most of these ideas can be done together - for instance, taking a road trip to see your favorite baseball team in a different city. This one too should be part of any good father and son bonding time. Sharing stories about your father help pass down the masculine knowledge and experiences gained over generations of men. Young men and indeed men of all ages need positive role models to help inspire them. Make sure to include this in any opportunity you have to talk with your son and it's likely that you will be in his stories when it comes time to bond with his son too!