nba party tips

Party planning can feel like a high stakes process, especially if you’re not often the one who has to host. Choosing a theme is often half the battle, and the good news is that if you base your get together around a shared interest in the NBA, you’re laying good foundations for the event.

So what else is involved in putting together an unforgettably great party with basketball at its heart? 

Here are some tips to help you as you get started.

Set a date sooner rather than later

Everyone’s got responsibilities and commitments in their lives, so if you try to send out party invites at the last minute, don’t expect to get a lot of guests confirming their attendance.

Good scheduling is one of the ways to live life to the fullest, and so the earlier you get a date in the diary for your party, the better.

It makes sense to use an important event in the NBA calendar as a jumping off point, and you can even suggest several dates in preliminary invites, before settling on just one when the greatest number of guests are available.

Organize the space

If your NBA party is based around watching a game, then the space you’ll all occupy needs to be planned out and prepared thoroughly.

Think about the size of the screen, the positioning of the seats and of course the number of attendees who’ve confirmed. You don’t want people to be uncomfortable or unable to see what’s happening.

If your current TV is a little small, consider treating yourself to an upgrade this winter, or even think about hiring a projector.

Share your predictions and enjoy the latest NBA trade rumors

Get NBA trade rumors delivered with lightning speed and plan to factor predictions into the party process, so that there’s a bit more structure to the event than straightforward socializing.

You could even have a sweepstake based on particular predictions, and put cash into a pot collectively which will then pay out to the person who’s luckiest on the night.

Choose music to soundtrack the party

It’s never been easier to organize the music for any party, especially one that’s based on basketball. All you need is access to a music streaming service like Spotify or Tidal, and a little time to put together a playlist of songs that you know your guests will enjoy.

Better yet, search for a pre-made playlist that another user has created, and you’ll have an instant soundtrack on hand. Sync your smartphone to a Bluetooth speaker, and you’re good to go.

Provide food to fill hungry bellies

As the party host, it’s on you to make sure everyone is well fed and watered. It makes sense to prioritize getting the food right, and encourage guests to bring their own drinks, so that you’re not burdened with all the expense.

Finger food is best for parties, and you can match the dishes you choose to the season. On a summer’s day, a barbecue is a brilliant option, so long as you’re happy taking on grill duties. During the colder months, snacks that you can toss in the oven and forget about are best.

Don’t get too hung up on everything being perfect

When you’re hosting, it’s easy to become stressed both in the run-up to the party and during the event itself. This usually comes down to fretting over all of the small details, which isn’t useful and can throw off the vibe.

It’s better to try and relax, going with the flow when the party is underway, as this will help everyone else enjoy themselves as well.