safe driving tips

When you first pass your driving test you are so reliant on your driving instructor that actually setting off and driving yourself is an exciting, but daunting prospect. It’s true that you only actually start learning to drive properly once you have passed. It’s essential to know exactly how to drive safely and put knowledge into practice.

Once you’ve been driving for a while, driving can become almost second nature. This is when it’s time to remind yourself of how to drive safely, as unsafe habits can creep in. It goes without saying that tragic consequences can occur from unsafe driving.

Here’s a revision on safe driving techniques you should always stick to.

Night driving Requires Extra Attention

Driving a night is a whole new ball game. Vision is affected considerably during low light and if you factor dark conditions combined with rain or snow, driving at night can be hazardous.

Always use your headlights correctly and don’t rely on the low light sensors  on your car to switch on at the correct times, as they are not always accurate. Make sure your headlights are in good working order and are dipped so as not to impair the vision of oncoming traffic. In snowy conditions or on muddy roads clean your headlights regularly.

Some people suffer from poor night vision and driving at night can be hazardous, especially when experiencing glare from lights on other vehicles. There are night vision aids available to purchase such as those reviewed by the Optical Advantage, you can Click Here to Read Reviews. Take care to leave good stopping distances at night and be aware that your depth perception may be a little different than in the daytime.

Stay Focused

Totally focus on the task of driving and avoid being distracted. Mobile phones are banned from being used in the UK  and anyone found on the phone or texting, will be liable to hefty fines if caught. Mobile phones are extremely distracting.

Try to predict what is happening in the traffic around you. If you see a queue forming ahead, slow down. Is someone driving a little erratically? Keep your distance.

Try not to drive when tired and if you’re driving during the night, take plenty of breaks to prevent you from falling asleep at the wheel.

Slow down and be aware that speed limits are in place for a reason. Observe for signs indicating sharp bends and slow down accordingly.

Never Drive Under the Influence

Alcohol and drugs impair driving considerably. Judgement will be impaired to an extremely dangerous level and you most likely won’t be able to react in time to hazards.

Be aware that alcohol can have an effect on your body for some time. Driving the morning after a night out may mean you’re still over the safe driving limit.

Some prescription drugs also impair the ability to drive. Prescription painkillers and some hayfever medication may cause drowsiness. If you’re affected you’re better off avoiding driving.

To drive safely you need to ensure your car is roadworthy and you need to be able to adapt to the conditions around you.