Advice for how to choose the best CBD treats for your dog.

Dogs have been a part of our history for a long time. They are one of the best animals to keep at home because of their attunement to us humans. There is a reason why they are considered as a man's best friend, and that is their loyalty as you can read on this link. They are also quite independent and are smart enough to follow commands.

This is the reason why they are one of the most important animals in the world. It is a unique reason, too; most tend to classify animals as either a food source, source of danger, or a worker. A dog can fit in all three, but they are different since they are also considered as a part of the family. 

As they are already a family member, it can be distressing to see them in pain or discomfort. We all want the best for them, but our wallets might disagree with that. Aside from the fact that it is difficult to go out these days, vet fees can be astronomical when it comes to cost. This is why many people are looking for other solutions regarding their pet needs.

Introducing Cannabis For Canines

One of the more popular options that have become trendy in the past few years is cannabis. More specifically though, it is the extract that comes from it. This is known as cannabidiol, and it is important to the entire cannabis experience. If you have ever lit a blunt, then you might already know the feeling of inhaling the smoke.

This experience is often labeled as a “high” and you would end up relaxing your body as your mind would take in all the images. The psychedelic experience is often attributed to the presence of THC, while the calming sensation is with CBD. Now the latter is the only one remaining, you can enjoy the effect without being assaulted by all the images.

As with dogs, they might not need the psychedelic properties. However, the calming and relaxing effect of CBD is just what they might need. It can treat various disorders such as seizures. It was supposed to help with the human counterpart of that disorder so it can probably help with canines, too. However, this should be taken with a grain of salt as there is still a lot of knowledge waiting to be discovered about CBD.

Many dog owners have asserted their positive experiences about using CBD oil for canine health. They usually say that their behaviors improved drastically. This is the case for dogs who were either abused or have undergone trauma. However, it can also be used as a supplement when mixed in with other dog-friendly compounds.

There are many forms of this product available in the market. Some are for humans like shampoos, soaps, and lotions made with CBD oil. Also, there are some pet-friendly options these days as well. For example, treats made by companies such as the Pet Hemp Company gained the curiosity of many people. After all, this was not the practice even way before the explosion of cannabis’s popularity.

Giving treats has always been considered as a reward for dogs. Whether it is for good behavior or following rules, it is given by the owner for merit. This is why it should be given importance as to what would be the best for your dog. Choosing a treat might not be easy, but there are some things that you need to keep in mind when shopping for pet-friendly CBD products.

cbd treats for dogs medical cannabis can help with health

Canine Care Tips To Always Remember

As with any health decision that you take on behalf of your dog, much of this involves similar considerations that you would make for your own health and wellbeing.

Choose Organic All The Time

One of the aspects that you should always take a look into is the source of the hemp or cannabis used for CBD. It should be made locally, and only made from one source. There should be no presence of any other chemical unless otherwise stated. The US FDA may not be keeping track of quality control yet, but it should be able to pass the minimum standards. 

Don't’ Give Human Treats

Always look for treats that are made for the animals. Do not give your pet the edibles that you have worked so hard for. Aside from wasting it, there are dangers involved in giving these to your pets. It is better to just give them the pure CBD oil instead.

Avoid Anything With THC

This is the reason that you need to find pure CBD oil. As said before, THC is the reason why cannabis is considered a psychedelic in the first place. It may be harmless to humans, but it can be fatal to the animals. A CBD oil with 0.3% or lower percentage of THC is already alright, but it would be better if it is pure. 

Tested And Proven To Be Effective

This aspect can be a bit tricky, but you can always find reviews online about a certain product. It can give you the insight that you need to see whether you may need the treatment or not. You should also read the label before buying anything. Some products labeled pure CBD have traces of THC so be careful.

When it comes to dogs, it is important to give them their needs as soon as possible. You can rely on CBD for their health, but it would be better to seek a professional first. They are the ones who know your pet’s condition and how you can improve it. It can be pricey, but it is worth it for the life of your beloved animal.