male causes of infertility

It comes to that point in life, where we think about settling down with our significant other and talk about having children. But, while problems getting pregnant are usually attributed to the woman in the relationship, the fact is, men have their part to play too. So if you have been trying with your partner to get pregnant, and it's not been happening, is it actually down to you?

For some folks, pregnancy is an unplanned surprise, but for most couples it is a journey that takes time. According to the National Institutes of Health, for healthy couples younger than 30 20-37% are able to conceive in the first three months of trying. That number then goes down as both men and women age. While signs of perceived fertility - menstrual periods - are most evident in women, men are just as important to the equation. In fact, studies indicate that 1/3rd of infertility cases are due to women, while another 1/3rd are due to male infertility and the remaining cases are caused by fertility issues in both men and women. That means that male infertility issues are the cause of not being able to conceive in roughly half of the couples that are unable to make a baby without help. Fortunately, fertility specialists like Cryos International can help you conceive the baby you've always dreamt of having.

In other words guys - don't assume it's all her ... you have a role to play too!

Causes Of Infertility In Men

You may think yourself to be completely healthy, but a healthy lifestyle isn't always indicative of being fertile. Of course, lifestyle factors can contribute, but your medical history is something to think about also. While there are things you can cut down on in your current life, such as tobacco, alcohol, and steroids, if you have had a chronic illness, this could be one of the main reasons. In addition to this, sexually transmitted infections that have gone undiagnosed can be a contributory factor, which is why it's important for you to get tested. In addition to this, varicoceles is a condition that's not always discussed. This is akin to varicose veins, but instead of it being in the legs, it's in the scrotum. This could have an impact on your ability to produce sperm, and the big issue with it is that most men have no symptoms. It's always essential for you to go to a medical professional if you have any concerns.

Top Causes of Male Infertility Include:

  • Hormone Imbalances 
  • Ejaculation Issues
  • Defects in the Tubes That Carry Sperm
  • Lack of Viable Sperm - This is the problem in approximately 10-15% of men considered to be infertile.

What You Can Do About The Issue

Some causes of male infertility can be improved through diet and exercise. There are also solutions exist for helping men with PE / ED and issues. However, in a situation like this it is often best to seek professional help rather than assuming that it, "will just happen".

There are organizations that can help with this, such as MCRM Fertility, which will help to isolate the problem. Various procedures can be undertaken, such as a semen analysis, genetic tests, as well as an ultrasound. Various treatments can be recommended depending on the results, such as surgery, as well as hormone treatments. But there are also assisted reproductive technology approaches, such as surgical extraction of the sperm. But if the medical professionals are unable to pinpoint an exact reason, they may very well recommend that you increase your frequency of sex, avoid lubricants, but also, take advantage of the fertile window. It's important that during these times, that you have a healthy lifestyle, and take certain supplements that have been shown to have potential benefits on increasing sperm count, such as Co-Q Enzyme Q10, Magnesium, L-arginine, as well as Folic Acid. Exercise is also something you can do, and cold showers have been shown to have a positive impact on increasing sperm, not reducing it, as was previously believed.

It can be very stressful time if you are not getting pregnant, and it's very easy for us men to assume that it's down to the woman, but there are as many male fertility issues as there are female. And as a man, we can sometimes feel that it will happen the next time she is fertile, but there are couples who have been trying for years. It's important to not lose heart; just as long as you have done everything you can to ensure you are as fertile as possible.