home improvement contract advice to ensure a smooth job

No homeowner starts a home improvement project thinking about what could go wrong. Instead, it is generally an exciting time of imagining new possibilities to be creative or at least fix problems that will make life easier. So, what could be the main source of these dissatisfaction? Well, they usually arise from disagreements most homeowners have with the contractors. This is the key reason to have a standard contract highlighting all the terms and conditions and agreeing with your contractor on such sensitive matters before authorizing the work to commence.

Windows and Doors Brampton sent us some advice that they use to help their customers in Ontario always have a positive experience when working together. This guide here will provide you with specific guidelines that should be included in the contract. The most straightforward way to ensure that the results of your windows and doors Brampton project doesn't disappoint you is having a meeting with your contractor and drafting a custom installation contract that is agreeable between you and him. In writing this contract, make sure you include these things:

Start Date 

The date the project will be started should be well written in the contract to avoid future misunderstandings which can lead to a delay of the project. Though a professional contractor will try to prevent any disruptions during the project execution, you should try to be around when the work is being done so you know when the work started.

The Scope of The Work

You should make sure you agree on the amount of work that will be done. One way to make sure this is well understood is to list all the main details of work in the contract. List the total number of windows you need to be replaced, how many doors will be covered according to the agreed price, and if there will be a need for remedial repair work. Such things are essential to avoid future confusion.

The Expected Date of Completion

Just as we said that the date the work commences should be included in the contract, so does the date when you expect the work to be over. Depending on the magnitude of the work, the end date might be the same as the start date. However, for big window replacement projects, the work can take several days. That should be given in the installation contract.

Penalty Clause

This is to ensure fair play between the contractor and the homeowner. If the installer is unable to execute the work as planned, there should be clearly laid out terms and conditions to take care of that. The penalties might be in the form of compensations or penalties.

Insurance Cover

You should ensure that the installation company you intend to work with has an insurance cover since the consequences of working with a company without an insurance cover can be detrimental. Ensure you know what insurance covers to be on safer side.