How to improve your sleep

Good quality sleep is essential to our health and well-being, but millions of Americans struggle to sleep regularly. Whether you’re kept awake by a restless mind or you wake up frequently throughout the night, lack of sleep could be affecting you more than you realize. Difficulty concentrating at work, poor performance at the gym, cravings for junk food, and many other issues can all be caused by a bad night’s sleep.

If you want to improve your physical health, enhance your mental well-being, and get the most out of life, take a look at these top tips for getting a decent night’s right:

Don’t Exercise Before Bed

If you hit the gym late in the evening, your intense workouts could be making it harder to get to sleep. Experts maintain that exercising 2-3 hours before going to bed can negatively impact sleep quality. If you’re not getting enough sleep at night, try going to the gym earlier or switching your routine so that you’re not as active in the 2-3 hours before you go to bed.

Upgrade Your Mattress

A poor-quality mattress can wreak havoc on your sleep schedule, not to mention your posture. Treating yourself to a new king bedroom set will ensure you’ve got a mattress that’s designed to maximize comfort. What’s more – switching from a queen to a king-size will give you a little more space to stretch out. If your partner routinely hogs the covers or wakes you up during the night, a king-size bed can be a great way to ensure you can sleep through the night without being disturbed.

Create a Routine

Having a night-time routine can help your body to adjust and realize when it’s time to sleep. Of course, this isn’t always easy if you’ve got a busy social life. However, even a relatively short routine can create an imprint that your mind and body will learn to recognize. Listening to relaxing music only takes a few minutes, for example, but it can help you to unwind and prepare you for a great night’s sleep.

Move Your Desk Out of Your Room

With more people working from home than ever before, people are finding innovative ways to create workspaces in their apartments and houses. However, having your desk in your bedroom can make it hard to relax, particularly if you’re kept awake thinking about work. If possible, move your desk to another area in your home so that your bedroom is totally focused on relaxation. 

Practice Deep Breathing

Learning how to breathe effectively can directly impact your body’s vital signs. Your blood pressure will drop, for example, your muscles will release tension and your heart rate will get a little slower too. This all signals to your body that it’s time for rest, so it can be a great technique to promote sleep.

Identifying Sleeping Issues

If you’re still not getting enough sleep at night, it’s well worth talking to your doctor. Insomnia, sleep apnea, or even chronic pain can all affect your ability to rest, so it’s important to determine if your sleep problems have an underlying cause. With the right lifestyle changes and intervention from your doctor, if necessary, you can look forward to sleeping soundly every night.