Weightloss Myths

Now that a new decade is upon us it is time for a fresh start, and most of us have already set goals to get rid of that Christmas belly for the next few months. A new year is always a great chance to form better habits, and going on a diet or losing weight is often the first on everyone’s list. 

If you want to lose weight this year and you need some advice, you might hope to search the internet for their words of wisdom and advice on the matter. The only problem is, a lot of the advice out there is myth. 

There are myths about pretty much everything in our lives, but weight loss is a subject that has A LOT to debunk and set straight. So before you go ahead and make a decision on your weight loss journey, it is important for you to read this and prevent yourself from falling for any of the common myths. 

Myth 1: All calories are Equal

A calorie is a measurement of energy, much like a joule. However, when you are counting calories to lose weight it is important to recognize that there are differences to be seen. For example, food groups are put into 3 main macros: protein, fat, and carbs. A protein calorie is not the same as a carb calorie, and this is where confusion may often arise. 

Different macros take very different pathways through the body and are used in different ways. Protein is often broken down and will be used to repair tissue, whereas carbs and fat are used to provide energy to the body. As a result, you are much better off eating a higher volume of protein in proportion to fat and carbs because protein provides a more vital role in the structure of the body and will not be stored in the same way as fat molecules. 

Myth 2: Losing Weight Is A Linear Process

Most people assume that once you start a diet, you will steadily lose pounds linearly day by day until you reach your goal. This is not the case. It is important to understand that the body works in mysterious ways and it is different day by day. Some days you might lose a few pounds, and the next day you might put on a few. Don’t ever feel discouraged if your weight increases a little bit because this can be due to a number of factors. As long as you continue with a healthy routine and ensure you don’t overeat, you will eventually reach a healthy weight. 

Myth 3: Supplements Can Help You Lose Weight 

Although many supplements out there might provide benefits for the body, they alone will not make you lose weight. It is important not to hold your hopes on a pill or a drink because these things will not be the cure for your issues. The only way to truly lose weight is through a healthy diet and exercise. 


Myth 4: Obesity Is Just About Willpower and Discipline

Obesity is something that impacts many people, and a lot of people will tell you that all you need to overcome this is willpower. This is completely wrong. Obesity is a complex eating disorder and it can be very much dictated by your biology. If you have a slow metabolism naturally then you will have a harder time burning fat and you may store it for longer. However, there are ways you improve this by eating certain foods. Don’t feel bad if you are obese at this time, there are many ways that you can get support and you will be able to get to a healthy weight by making changes to your diet and lifestyle. It might take you a little longer than most, but you can do it. 

Myth 5: All You Need To Do Is Eat Less And Move More

It seems only logical that eating less and moving more will help you lose weight because you are burning more calories than you take in, but this isn’t always the case. If you have an issue with weight the worst thing you can do is suddenly reduce your calories by half and start running everywhere. Although this might work in the short term, it is difficult to maintain and eventually you will return to your normal habits. The best way to lose weight is by changing the foods you eat, not necessarily the quantity.

Myth 6: Carbs Are The Devil

Carbs indeed can cause you to store more fat in the body, but not all carbs are bad, and you shouldn’t avoid them completely. Carb intake should only ever make up a maximum of 50% of your meals, and the rest should be protein and green leaves or veg. Carbs offer slow-release energy for the body so ingesting a healthy amount will actually help you lose weight as you won’t feel hungry so often. Make sure to choose unrefined carbs such as brown rice and wholemeal bread and these will offer nutritional value to your meals. 


Myth 7: Fat Makes You Fat

The name makes you assume that fat causes fat, and this is why for many years companies have made a point to advertise low-fat versions of your favorite meals. But fat is actually essential for the body’s survival. Fat is calorie-dense and this is why most people try to cut down on fat content in their diets, but you shouldn’t avoid it completely. Healthy fats such as those found in nuts and avocados are essential for the body. While you should avoid junk food and saturated fat, you should eat healthy fats.