When it comes to exploring the great outdoors, there are few better ways to do it than by bicycle. You can see the world in just as much detail as you might while backpacking, but you can cover a lot more ground. Plus, it’s much cheaper than any road trip. However, cycling does come with its risks, as well, so here are some tips that could help you navigate them a little more safely.


Ride Defensively All The Time

One of the things that you need to accept and internalize when you’re out cycling is that while you might be a much smaller target, you are also much more vulnerable to injury than anyone in just about any other vehicle. What’s more, given that you are a smaller target, it’s much easier for you to fall into the blind spot of other motorists out there. Make sure you learn some defensive cycling tips to make yourself more noticeable, to pay attention to your surroundings, and give vehicles plenty of lee-way.


Gear Up Before You Head Out

When you cycle, make sure that you’re dressed appropriately as best as possible. Pads to help lessen the damage caused by a fall aren’t always essential, but you should never be out on the road without a helmet. You might be able to tolerate a graze but a hit to the head is significantly more serious. Otherwise, you should also think about purchasing some high-visibility cycling gear. If you’re out cycling on the road, you want to make sure that you’re easy to see for the motorists, especially at night when visibility is low.


Be Prepared For The Worst

We might like to think that prevention is all that we need to know but, while it is key, you should also make sure you’re not caught completely unprepared for the event that there is an accident. Prepare in advance so you know the answer to the question “what should I do if I get hit by a car on my bike?” Make sure that you have a first aid kit packed with you, as well as key information and identification if you need to be taken to the hospital.


Make Sure You Know Where You Can Stop

Pulling your bike over to the side of the road for a rest isn’t a good idea everywhere. Some roads are too narrow or windy to safely find a place to stop. As such, you should make sure that you consult with road-tripping maps of the area which point out rest stops that you can hit up. These work for cyclists just as well as drivers. You might be able to find the occasional place to stop and have an impromptu rest, but you really should make sure that you plan ahead for it, too.


No matter how short or long your cycling tour might be, it’s crucial that you keep safety in mind while you’re out and around. Keep the tips above in mind as you go.