You’ve owned a motorcycle for a while now, love it to bits, and would like to take it with you on holiday. Even better - why not make your entire holiday about your motorcycle? A full-on motorcycle trip isn’t just for bearded guerilla soldiers and you can easily make the trip as pleasant as possible by ensuring a few things before you head off.

Even if you think you have everything under control, it might help to go through this list just to make it a bit easier to convince your loved-ones about your plans. Maybe they’ll even join you. Whether you embark on your motorcycle adventure solo or with friends, here is a handful of the things you should know about before you leave.

Before leaving: Give your family a travel-plan

When you’re going on this kind of trip, it’s a good idea to give your family an indication of where you are going as well as when you plan on being there. At the least, it will help them to stay cool about the trip and worry less about your safety - and, as a big bonus, they might be able to track you down in case you should get into trouble on your way.

It is motorcycle adventure 101 and you simply cannot leave before you’ve made a plan like this. Give them the name of the places you’re going to stay at as well so that they can give the hotel or hostel a call if they can’t get ahold of you.

If you want to embark on the journey from a different part of the country, you can always contact Shiply so that your vehicle can be shipped over safely, by the way, and you’ll be able to start from wherever you please.

Start early and finish early

Now that you’ve written down a plan and figured out where to start from, it’s a good idea to head off as early as possible - and finish before dusk. While the slowly rising sun and quiet surroundings should be enough to get you out of bed and onto your bike, it’s a lot safer to be on the road during these hours as well.

Make sure you’re off the bike before dusk and right after dawn so that the shifting light doesn’t confuse you or make it harder for other drivers to see you on the road. That way, you’ll also be able to avoid those critters that tend to leap out into the road around dusk.  

motorcycle trip tips to keep you safe and your ride enjoyable

Check your bike regularly

Every morning before getting back on the road, you absolutely need to inspect your bike. Not only will this increase the chances of spotting something before it grows to become an expensive problem but it will, of course, also ensure that you are safe and sound while riding.

Check it in the morning, before you wipe it down after a long day on the road, and every time you stop to fill up.

The main things you should keep an eye out for are the tires, chain, and sprocket as well as any leaks underneath the bike. Look after your bike and it will look after you.