summer fitness tips

When it comes to the summer season, even the most motivated guys can find it difficult to find the motivation to spend time on the treadmill. However, if you choose to forego your exercise regime in the summer, you risk losing your condition come the autumn. Instead, you need to tweak your current exercise plan to ensure that you don't get tempted to stay away from the gym altogether. The gym is one way to exercise, but there are so many more exercises that don’t use the dumbbells and utilize the outdoors instead. Take a look at this essential guide to keeping fit in the summer.

Rope In A Friend

If you’re still keen to find yourself in the gym two or three times a week, the best way to keep your motivation high is to rope in a pal. Some rivalry with a friend can help you work harder in the gym. You might not be keen on maintaining your full-blown two-hour mammoth workouts, if the sun is shining. However, those forty five minute bursts of high intensity training can help you to maintain your physique. The summertime is when we want to look at our best so keep up with the chest exercises to get a bigger chest and the bench presses.

You might even fancy popping to the gym for a spin class or two a week. More intense training patterns can help you be at the gym for as short a time as possible without having to miss catching the lovely rays outside.

summer fitness tips to keep you going when its hot


If you love the outdoors, you might find yourself skipping the gym a little too often. If the weather is warm, why not whip out your bike and go for a cycle ride. Cycling is one of the best forms of exercise to boost your endurance. The full body workout will get your heart pumping, your endorphins releasing and all of your muscle groups working. You could choose to go it alone or go with pals. Cycle rides range from the leisurely to the hardcore, so choose wisely, and build up the difficulty in terrain, especially if you’ve never head out on two wheels before.


The Park

If your pals are having a barbecue in the park and you really want to go, you can do - even if this means skipping your usual gym session. Instead, head out for a jog and meet your pals there. When you hot foot it to the barbecue, ensure that you don't load up on carbs and stick to a more protein rich diet. This way the carbohydrates you consume won’t store as fat straight away. Starchier carbs after exercise can leave you feeling bloated and heavy. Lighter and leaner meat is a better source of energy post workout.

Keeping fit in the summer doesn’t have to feel like an arduous task. Don’t limit yourself to the gym and consider other forms of summer friendly exercise. You might choose to cycle to work, jog to your friends' houses, take a hike in the countryside, or do a boot camp style session in the park. The summer exercise possibilities really are endless.