Wampanoag Succotash: A Culinary Journey Inspired by History and Heritage
Nov 24, 2024
Wampanoag Succotash: A Culinary Journey Inspired by History and Heritage
Looking for some recipe ideas that feature cheese? Check these tasty creations out!
The Hawaiian Islands are best known for stunning landscapes, sun-soaked beaches, and some of the best surfing spots in the world. However, both it's ancient and colonial history are closely tied to the islands as a source of agricultural bounty and the more I sampled this, the more excited I got to learn more. From pineapples and sugarcane to craft beer, spirits, and even ranches raising some of the world's best beef - this is an area you won't want to miss exploring during your next visit.
In the realm of unusual culinary delights, beaver meat has made something of a splash. When prepared properly, beaver meat can be a safe to eat, healthy, game meat, that might be the perfect thing for your next game meat dinner. That's right! A number of men (and women) actually savor this unconventional red meat for its unique flavors and surprising health benefits. Despite raising many eyebrows, it's neither a modern fad nor an odd survivalist regime - people have been consuming beaver meat diligently for centuries across North America.
Yet, not everyone is familiar with this aquatic animal as foodstuff.
Tucson, Arizona is one of the hidden gems for a guys trip. It’s a perfect distance for road trips from Phoenix and while a bit farther from San Diego and Los Angeles, it’s an easy drive for guys looking for golf, history, culture, and of course great Mexican Food!
They say that the way to a man's heart is through his mouth so we're going to share four awesome Valentine's Day Gifts that men will love!
For this recipe I've created something of an excersise in conflict - the rich, creamy alfredo sauce, topped with the earthy, rustic mushrooms, roasted chicken, and spicy chili flakes spice blend that is brought together with a hearty quality pasta that is better that anything you can find at the grocery store and then a strong drizzle of Frankies 457 Calabrian Chil Oil to bring everything together. OMG it's so good!
Coffee is a drink that has transformed the world almost as much as tea. For millions of Americans it is part of our daily routine that gets us started and then powers us through the day. Unfortunately, as coffee has progressed from a relatively cheap and plain black drink and transformed into a gourmet beverage, it's gotten pretty expensive. From speciality coffee drinks to fancy machines in your home - those dollars add up... but we have some ways that you can save money, while still savoring the delicious flavors and aromas.
Nevada is one of those states where most visitors only visit one or two points. In the case of this state, you have Vegas and Reno... but while much of the state is empty desert, there are some real gems that deserve more attention. Carson Valley is one of those spots and it's surprisingly convenient, low cost, and packed with awesome stuff that guys of all ages will love.
Eating blue crab is a skill that virtually everyone who has spent time living along the Southern coastal areas of the United States has learned how to do. While there may be variations depending on if you grew up in Maryland and the Chesapeake Bay area or Florida, this is something we all learned how to do from the time we were young boys. Once you "get it" the process isn't that bad and actually it is an incredibly fun and social way to spend some time with your friends.
Incorporating dark chocolate might be a surprisingly beneficial choice for men seeking to enhance their health through diet. Most of us don't need an excuse to eat more chocolate, but here it is - just make sure to eat the RIGHT kind of chocolate. This tasty treat is rich in crucial flavonoids, and dark chocolate has been shown to support heart health by improving blood flow and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases — common concerns that most men have... especially as we get older. Additionally, with chocolate's ability to help lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol, coupled with its positive effects on brain function and mood, dark chocolate makes an appealing option for those men like myself who are looking to improve both physical and mental well-being.
Understanding these benefits can help men make informed choices about including dark chocolate in their regular diet, providing a delicious way to boost overall health. Let's take a deeper look now...
We've talked in the past about how great of a city Chicago is to visit for a guys weekend getaway, but it is also a fantastic city for a romantic getaway too. From fantastic museums to some of the world's best and most creative food, Chicago is a great city to share with someone special.
I have to constantly remind myself that "Mexican" cuisine is as diverse as American... while I'm partial to the fresh coastal cuisine from Baja and the western states of Mexico, the reality is most Americans think of "Texican" as what they're expecting. This is fair since mass-market restaurants like Chi Chi's, Chiles, Taco Bell, and hundreds of local Mexican restaurants opened by recent immigrants from all over Central America are targeting cheap, hearty, tasty food - rather than something truly extraordinary. That's why I was so impressed by El Tipico, which was founded in Toledo, Ohio. While it draws from a Rio Grande Valley-style cuisine - it also focuses on fresh, organic, gluten-free ingredients too.
There are a LOT of meat delivery companies out there right now and frankly not all of them are awesome. I've tried my share of them and when they offer something special, I like to share it with you guys. One that I've absolutely fallen in love with is Holy Grail Steak Co. While other companies offer a handful of different cuts, these guys go deeper. To learn more about the company, we also had the chance to talk with Cameron Hughes, the founder of the company as well as multiple California wine businesses.
Hot honey is a trend that I've been wrestling with for a while since it's genesis seemingly was Nashville, Tennessee with Prince's famous Hot Honey Chicken starting in the 1930s but other tales suggest it goes back earlier to Brazil and some credit the trend to hipsters and millenials who think they discovered everything for the first time. Regardless of who actually discovered that chiles and honey go well together... this is a winning flavor combination that works well on a variety or proteins. So, to take "hot chicken" to the next level, I've prepared a recipe for Hot Honey Shrimp served on Tater Cakes.
New Orleans is a fascinating city with an incredibly unique blend of cultures, making it an amazing city for anyone looking to try something new. Compared to other foodie cities such as LA, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, people think differently here and normal rules don't always apply. This is especially true because New Orleans has hundreds of years of deeply rooted traditions that help guide the influences of those different cultures. This results in not just "great restaurants" in different silos but almost a bouquet of foodie options that generally trace its way back to either Cajun or Creole roots. For me, this makes it infinitely more fascinating and enjoyable to explore.
It should be quite clear by now that I am a huge fan of Brazilian steakhouses or Churrascaria as they are also known. There's something magical about a buffet of meat that comes to you. Since you and your friends can simply sit at the table for most of the meal and not worry about getting up to load your plate with more food, conversation seems to flow more freely and it's certainly a more relaxing form of celebratory eating than other options out there. I've been lucky to be treated so well by the folks at Fogo de Chao and so after my visit to their Vegas location last week I figured it was a good opportunity to share some of my expert knowledge on how to maximize your experience at a Brazilian Steakhouse!
There are a lot of great gift ideas you can get for the men in your life but there's one that is my new favorite. Meat By Mail! Allen Brothers sent us a box of bone-in ribeyes this week and while I was initially skeptical because they arrive frozen, I'm convinced now that this is probably one of the best gifts for guys who love to grill.
A Champagne toast seems to be the icon of welcoming in the New Year or really just celebrating pretty much anything. There is a sort of excitement when you pop open that bottle of bubbly and so it's no wonder that it has been the drink of choice when it comes to a celebration. However, much of what we consider in the United States as "Champagne" is really just "Sparkling Wine" and to complicate things further that's not the only bubbly wine out there for us to enjoy. Let's take a look at some different types of bubbly wines that you can enjoy during your New Years celebration!
Soybean oil is the most widely used edible oil in the United States, and while soy has been the target of attacks by mostly well-meaning people, the reality is that there is a lot of misinformation and confusion out there as well. Let’s take a look at some of those myths and realities.
In recent years, the demand for plant-based burgers has skyrocketed, driven by growing health concerns, environmental issues, and a desire by eco-conscious consumers to reduce damages that they see to the environment by the consumption of animal products. In addition to concerns related to sustainability, plant-based meats and plant-based meat alternatives are also increasingly popular due to perceived health benefits that are widely observed among those men who enjoy vegan, vegetarian, or indeed just a diet that is low in the consumption of red meat and high in nutrient-rich vegetables. Unfortunately, in the past these plant-based alternatives simply haven't been all that tasty. Options that existed in the past like "Bean Burgers" and "Veggie Burgers" were simply not a realistic alternative for hungry carnivores like myself. Things have changed though... meatless burgers today are much tastier but are they actually healthier than meat?